A little bit of crate work
This is a video from Monday. I was just setting up my camera on the mail box post, when sudden noise that the box made, freaked Dodger out. I was trying to capture a little bit of that situation to be able to show you how much worry there is in this dog and how we need to stop letting him excercise fleeing whenever something unexpected happens.
On my YT, you can see a longer, first session of Dodger working on a proper crate routine. Here is a shorter clip of our attempt from day 3 of practicing together. It's important to me that dogs are sensitive to my body language. One of the things I want them to do is respect the pressure I apply, so I can stop or move them when needed and in the future all it will take is facing them just a little. Right now there is still a lot of back and forth and me having to repeat to Dodger, that "yes, I actually mean it" 😆
Wonderful soundtrack is sponsored by Dodger's disappointed brothers, who suffered greatly, since I put them in a different room and fenced them off with a baby gate 😉