Adventures of Smokey the Cat

Adventures of Smokey the Cat Just some unique stories about my wonderful little scottish fold cat. Im always happy to share so if you interested to read about him join the group.


It has been awile since I have posted on smokey's page. He is still a cantankerous , yet ever so loving cat. He has being doing some strange things here lately. I never really thought about animals being jealous of things that we do. Smokey used to always get in my bed and sleep on me. That i S fine, but it makes it impossible to move. But I tolerate it. Here lately I have been laying in bed and play games and read fb posts. I just noticed the other day he doesn't get in my bed any more. So tonight I got in bed without my tablet. Smokey comes in , jumps on me and starts rubbing his face on me and wanting me to pet him. I thought, "OK, he is back to NORMAL. He falls asleep on me. BUT THEN, I GET MY TABLET OUT. HE LOOKS AT ME , AND IF IT IS POSSIBLE CATS CAN GLARE , HE GLARED AT ME. HE HISSED AND JUMPED DOWN. HE WENT TO THE COMPUTER ROOM AND SLEPT IN THE CHAIR. CRAZY CAT.


Sorry I haven't sent anything from Smokey lately. He has been trying to a good cat, but falls short quite often. He tries to rule the roost around here. My other cat, Stripe, gives Smokey the run for his money, or at least his cat treats. I have always kept the cat treats on a small piece of wood on my dresser. Both cats eat from the same piece of wood. I decided the other day that. I would discard the wood and put the treats in two separate bowls. I know cats do not like change, but I didn't know how much. Smokey jumped up on the dresser to get his treats from his bowl. I guess Stripe didn't get the memo about the new arrangement, he started to eat from Smojey's bowl. Big mistake. Smokey slapped at Stripe and hissed at him. Poor Stripe didn't know what to think. So now , Stripe does not even get on the dresser if Smokey is up there. They are like two kids. Crazy cats.


Smojey has been a pain in the you what this weekend. My son and his family were in for a visit. They have a Husky named Star. Star does not like cats and Smokey nor Stripe like dogs. The minute Star nakes an appearance, my cats make their escape. I thought they would be ok after Jeff went to his wife's parents Friday night. No way. They both refused to come in. When they finally did come in , they wanted right back out. I think I figured out some of the probkem. Star was so restless the whoke time, she just ran from one window to another looking outside for who knows what. One of the windows was beside my bed, so Star was on my bed. Now my cats think my bed is their bed. It is now Sunday and neither cat will get close to me or my bed. We have sprayed Lysol to maybe trick their scents of the dog, but so far it hasn't worked. Crazy cats.


Do any of you cat lovers buy cat furniture? Well my two spoiled cats have a three story cat tree and a one story. The one story only has one opening. Stripe is the one that fits in the opening. So he hides in there and jumps out at Smokey. Smokey climbs on the top of the tower and slaps at Stripe. Usually a ruckus insues and the race is on, they take off through the house chasing each other. In the meantime, Ben decides Stripe needed a taller tower, hence the three story tower. There are three different places they can hide in this tower. Stripe is the climber so the first thing he does is climb to the top level . He is very close to the top of the window so takes up residence on tbe top kevel. Smokey can get to the first level, but he can't get to Stripe. Smokey isn't very happy because his hips don't allow him to climb. He is content to get Stripe out of his hair for awhile, so all is right in their world. I have Stripe jump from the second level onto Smokey, but he doesn't hurt him.


People are notthe only critters who get cabin fever. Smokey and Stripe don't get the idea of temperatures so cold that it can harm them. About once a day they go out, look at the snow on the porch, turn around and scratch at the door to come back in. But when they come in, they have no idea what to do with themselves. They can sleep only so much. They wrestled in the living room for a while, got bored, so they started chasing each other through the house. I just stay out of their way. At one point I heard them in Ben's room. I didn't think too much of it until I heard the folding closet door open. Stripe had managed to get it open. But then I heard it close. The next think I know is Smokey comes running into the living room and jumps on my lap. I thought they were finished playing, tben I heard Stripe. He wasscratching at the closet door trying to get it open from the inside. Smokey jumped off my lap and ran to my room. I had to go get Stripe out of the closet. Can you give animals something to calm them down, lol? Long winter.


I am not going to say that my Smokey is a spoiled cat... smokey picks and choses where he wants to sit, lay, sleep, etc. We put a box outside on the porch with an old pillow and towel in it. There was a stray kiitten that had been hanging around. I was hoping he belonged to someone, but I couldn't let him not have shelter. The stray found his way home, but the box is still there. Smokey likes to "sun" himself and sleep in it all day. That was fine. Well, Stripe has an old terry cloth robe that he likes to sleep on. I was looking for Stripe one day and could not find him. I went to let Smokey out, and guess who was in his box. Stripe was snoozing away. Smokey comes back in the house and took over the old robe. Stripe came in expecting to get in his spot. Smokey was very vocal and he let him know he was not sharing. Yes Smokey is spoiled. I am thankful that Stripe is easy going. He just walks off and finds something else to get into.


Some of you may be wondering if I found Stripe. Turns out everything was ok. It was pouring the rain all night long. Why any animal or person would want to be out in that, right? Cats, at least our two cats, think they need to be out there. I didn't think too much about it, so they went out around seven pm. Usually they come in around 8 pm. Ok, I didn't think a whole lot about it. Around 9 my son texts me from work to see if they came in. ThenBen said that he had seen the garage door open next door. That is unusal, but... I contacted the neighbors and Jeremy checjed the garage. Yes, they had been all snuggled up all warm and cozy. Problem solved. Not quite. Smokey came to the door wanting to get in our house. No sign of Stripe. All night long I kept thinking that I heard him stratching at the door. Still no Stripe. Ben came home 9am and he drove around the neighborhood looking for Stripe. Around 2pm I was getting ready to go to work. Ben and I walked out to the car, smokey went ahead of us. He went straight to the neighbors garage and meowed. Stripe answered him. Long story short, the cat was rescued from the garage and his making up for missing breakfast and dinner. He was glad to be home.


Have any of you had any jealousy probkems with your animals? I didn't use to, but here lately Smokey gas decided he wanrs to be an only "pet". Usually I feed Smokey and Stripe at the same time. That had to be changed. I woukd put both bowls down and Smokey will come in to eat first, followed by Stripe. Smokey would eat until he saw Stripe and he would walk away. I decuded to feed one while the other was outside. I would still put the food in the bowls, but Smokey would try the food in both bowls. When Stripe would come in, he wouldn't eat his because he could tell Smokey had been eating from his bowl. He would go pout, but not for long. He knew he could find hus treatsready fir him in my room. Heaven forbid they would hoth ge at the treats plate at the same time. That happened once. Smokey was at the plate first. I had to trade the treats out. Smokey has his favirite and so does Stripe. Smokey jumped up first. Stripe didn't get a chance to gets treats because Smokey slapped at him and hissed. Stripe ran off. Since then, Stripe makes sure Smokey is not on the dresser where the treats ar before he jumps up. There is one thing that Stripe will not let Smokey get away with. Smokey has to move if Stripe wants to sit on my son Ben's lap. Smokey tried that. Stripe just jumps up there and doesn't give in. Smokey fusses and complsins, but Stripe curls up and goes to sleep. At the of the day, all us right with the cat world. Stripe knows Smokey is the .King cat and he lives with it.


Fall is here in full force. The nights are cool, even cold, and my cats are having trouble adapting. Smokey is the oldest cat and he is used to having his way. My recliner has become the focal point of both cats. I usually keep a terry cloth robe close to my chair. Stripe, the smaller cat, loves to sleep on the robe. He does not care where the robe is located. Sometimes it is on the chair, sometimes on the floor. Smokey has always preferred to sleep on my lap. This particular evening it was cold. Smokey was on my lap, the kitten was on my robe on the floor. I had to get up, so Smokey had to get up. He was upset and he hissed at me. He goes off by himself to pout. In the meantime, the kitten realize my chair is empty. I am not coming back to the chair, so I put the robe on the chair. Smokey comes vack to get in the chair and he finds Stripe on the robe in the chair. He jumps up, finds Stripe, gets upset, hisses at him. Strioe stretches out and goes vack to sleep. By this time, I had gone to bed. Smokey comes to my bed , meows at me, I just looked at him and tried to go to sleep. He would not leave me alone , so .I get up, follow him to the chair. I realize that this big, gray, Scottish Fold cat, has no interest in sharing the chair that the littke cat is still in. Stripe was all warm and comfortable and I just put Smokeyon the other side of the chair. I went back to bed , left Smokey on the chair. I got up the bext morning and both cats were all curled up, fast asleep. Neither of them wanted to move. It is going to be a long winter.


I have two cats who love catnip. Smokey has been enjoying it for years. Stripe had his first taste when he was about six months old. He us almost a year old now. Stripe gets so excited when sees the container. He starts purring and will jump off the dresser to my sons shoulder (Ben is about 6'3"). Sometimes Ben makes him work for it. He will srand 3 or 4 feet away from the dresser and Stripe takes the leap. The other day stripe was meowing and looking up to where the "cat pot" is kept. I brought the container diwn and sprinkked some on tbe floor. I did not know that Smokey was close by. The next thing I know, stripe had covered the catnip with his body. Smokey jumped on him, trying to get to the catnip. Stripe lay there and growled at him. Smokey went for his beck trying to get him to get off of the catnip. Stripe rolled in it, so by the tine it was all over, stripe had most of it on his body. He got up and Smokey chased him through the house. I ended up pouring Smokey some more catnip and Stripe washed his off of his body. Never a dull moment with those two.


Smokey hasn't posted lately so I thought I better. It has been a long, warm summer. Trying to keep up with two cats with two totally opposite personalities is sometimes difficult. The younger cat, Stripe, looks up to Smokey. There are times though that Smokey really wants him to leave him alone. This afternoin, Smokey decided he wanted to just sit on the back of my recliner and sleep. Stripe had just come in from outside. He jumped up on my lap, lookec up at Smokey and then he laid on my lap to sleep. My big cat, smokey, snores sometimes. I guess Stripe had never heard him do this. Stripe woke up, looked at me, jumped on the back of the recliner and barely tapped him with his oaw. Smokey woke up, hissed at Stripe and scared him so bad he jumped down. Smokey went back to sleep and snored for about another hour. Don't wake a snoring cat. They played later so all is right with tbe world.


Hey everyone. It hass been a while since
I have posted, but I have been busy. Now you ask, "how can a cat be busy?" I will tell you. I have to introduce you to my adopted brother, Stripe. Stripe's mother was dropped off at my house while my human pet was gone fir awile. I didn't really like this black cat, but Ben started feeding her and yhat is how It all started. That cat would actually eat that dry stuff, they call food. The next thing you know that cat started bringing three little cats onto MY porch. They stayed around for a while. I pretended they didn"t exist and yet there they were. Three kittens, two striped and one black one. I didn'like this at all. But then one day there was only one little pest left. I don't know where the others went. I thought Stripe was going to go somewhere also. As it turned out my pet had to leave for a long time again and I found myself having to take care of this crazy little cat. Actually it turned out to be alright. I have taught him a few things that I will tell you about next time. That little thing can climb and jump like I used to be able to do, but he is very mischievous.
Until bext time. MEOW


What do your pets do when none is around? Do you think we just sleep? When I was little I had to think up things to do. All thise things that you are told nit to do....well that us what I wanted to do. One of my favorite things was to jump on the kitchen table. I found a coat on a chair by the table one time. I knocked it just to watch it fall. Then I jumped on it and I went sliding across tge floor. Wow, that was fun. There was no way I could put it back where it was , so when I heard my pet come home I just laid on the coat and pretended I was asleep. She thought that was so cute. I didn't try that again.
Sometimes I like to go in my pets room and sleep on the dresser. Why do oeople like to put things on furniture? I alway have to nake room for myself, so I knock things off. It is fun to watch things fall. I got in trouble for that though. But now she leaves treats for me and I leave her things alone . Git to go. Meow fir now. Next time I will tell you about a cat friend of mine.


Meow again. There is a lot of talking about bullying. I just want to say that this is not unique to humans. The animal world gets sone of that also. To me, I think I am a handsome speciman of felines. Believe it or not, I have had my share of animal bullying. Sure I have these folded ears. True I also have a superiority complex, but I will stand my ground. There have been "stray" cats that have wandered into my yard. It is ok for them to be in my yard, but if they don't want to be my friend and they taunt me, then you are out of here. No animal or person should put up with this type of behavior. I don't harm these cats in any way, but my demeanor is shown in such a way...well they stay away. Yes, I do have cat friends, but no unwanted ones. I do gave a growl that is scary and I can spat with the best of them. We are all made different. Stop bullying. It Is hurtful, but stand up for yourself and don't let others make you feel inferior. YOU ARE THE BEST! VIOLENCE is never a good thing. Until next time, MEOW.


Do you know what annoys me? My people pet likes to make these noises with her mouth. I think she calls it singing. She sits in her chair and listens to music on the tv. I don't know what it is, but the noise coming out of her mouth is so annoying. It hurts my ears. I try to just meow to let her know my protest. That doesn't help, so I just jump down and go hide until she quits. If that is not bad enough, her son starts whistling. I am not sure hiw he makes that noise, but I literally jump up on his lap and put my paw on his mouth and again I meow. What they don't kniw is that sometimes I just meow to let them know how annoying their noises are. I don't know if they will ever learn. Until next time MEOW.!


Hi facebook people. I am going to go back in time. Iwas sitting on my people pet's lap one evening. She was watching Treetop cat rescuers and it reminded me of the time that I got trapped on the top of an out building next door. I know I was not supposed to be out of the yard, but... curiosity got the best of me. For a long time I wasn't permitted to even go outside. It was the time of the year when the leaves were coming off the trees, the weather was warm during the day, but cool at night. I saw a squirrel running around the MY yard and I started the chase. We went all around the yard. That critter could fly. He went from tree to tree, across the wires and then he jumped on top of that building. I knew I could do this, so I did. It was still day light when I made that jump from the fence to the building. I played around with the squirrel for about an hour. When I decided to come down, I froze. I started crying. Where was everyone? I cried louder until someone finally came out. I was cold, hungry and thirsty. My owner couldn't reach me. I may as well been 50 feet in the air, it felt like it any way. Then my hero, Ben, came to my rescue. He climbed the fence and as soon as I could I jumped onto shoulder and I wouldn't let go. I haven't been even up a tree since then. I like my feet on the ground. Until the next time, Meow


Flatwoods, KY



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