Bleu has rescue placement!
👉 For the most up-to-date notes, please check the bio located in the comments👈
Bleu ACCT-A-209842 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to length of stay and lack of space for incoming dogs. Bleu must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER or BREED EXPERIENCED ADOPTER by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST at 10AM. Should Bleu’s medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change.
Bleu weighs 116.8 pounds, with a heart that matches his size. He spent 7 years with his owner, living with another dog, but they were surrendered when the owner could no longer care for them. He had only ever been around the owner, and was noted to not react well to strangers. When he first arrived, he was reactive in the kennel, but now greets new friends with gentle eyes and a wagging tail, showing just how much he wants to connect. Once outside, Bleu takes his time stretching his legs and observing his surroundings. He enjoys quiet moments with his people —standing close and soaking up affection, especially when spoken to in a soft, sweet voice. This dreamy, good-natured boy is ready to find someone who will appreciate his gentle soul and give him the love he deserves. Bleu is looking for a home without children. He has had good meets with other dogs, so please bring all members of your household, including any resident dogs, for a meet. Due to his length of stay, Bleu is urgently seeking placement with a rescue partner or breed experienced adopter.
Big Boy Bleu on a run: https://youtube.com/shorts/VDaIROTJY2I?feature=shared
Bleu and Milkyway Meet: https://youtube.com/shorts/nXj1yo_SYZk?feature=share
Mariama and Bleu Meet: https://youtube.com/shorts/ExLLJPDncUA?feature=share
Per staff 2/16: I had no issues getting Bleu out and through the kennels. He had no reactivity to any of the dogs or people passing. We went outside a did a meet with another dog. At first he was interested and approached the other dog with a lose and happy body. He gave a few sniffs and then walked away. We did a walk along and he was great he even allowed the other dog to sniff his butt. He also did some nose to nose sniffs and was very relaxed. He is AWESOME on the leash, no pulling and great at walking right beside you at the same pace you are going ( which is very impressive as with his size I was expecting to need two hands on the leash). He than met another smaller 25lb dog that was very reactive towards him and he just looked at a distance and approached with a wagging tail. I did not let him close enough to do any contact sniffing because the other dog was very reactive towards him but he generally didn't seem to mind. Bleu allowed all handling (I pulled chunks of eye boogers out his eyes, wiped his drool and gave full body pets) however he did not solicit attention. When we walked back into the kennels he greeted people with wagging tails and went right into his kennel with no issues after staff threw in a peanut butter cone for him.
Per volunteer 2/2: First time meeting Bleu who was so quiet in his kennel I actually did not know he was there (and he's not a small boy!). He was patiently waiting his turn for some fresh air and was the last dog of the day I took out. He was very easy to leash and remove from kennel. Outside I was surprised how well he walked on leash, right by my side and despite his size was easy to handle although he is feeling under the weather. We walked a few laps of the parking lot and then hung out in the ISO run. He wanted to be close to me all the time, he allowed all over pets and sat nicely when asked and watched other dogs going past without moving or noise. He was very easy to return to kennel. Very calm, sweet, older gentleman.
Per staff 2/1: Easy to handle, gentle giant. Knows sit and house broken.
Per volunteer 1/31: Bleu is a big boy - but his heart is as big as he is! He’s so easy going & sweet! We hit the parking lot for some outside time, it’s rainy today and he totally took it in stride. Bleu stayed by my side step for step as we picked our walk up into a little trot! He allowed all handling & even let me give him a little smooch on his head. He’s a very good boy!
Per staff 1/30: Bleu got out for some one on one time today. She was curled up on his bed in kennel when I approached, and came forward with soft eyes and a low tail. When I reached in with the leash he gave me some low wags, and was patient for leashing. His hackles came up as he exited, but it may have been due to the dogs reacting around him. Outside he pulled a bit on leash, but it’s mostly due to his size. I sat on the bench and he stood near me, accepting pets with a neutral body and soft eyes. He even did lots of tail wags when I used a baby voice! He got some business done before it was time to go inside. I accidentally hit his paw with the door and he yelped, but allowed me to crouched down and give him some pets and comfort. He did not hold a grudge and gave me more low wags when I apologized in a baby voice. He was hesitant to return to kennel, but entered easily with a little leash pressure and encouragement. He seems to be improving a lot!
Per staff 1/27: Brought Bleu outside for some activity time today. In kennel when I approached Bleu he was alert barking at the front with a high flagging tail. Once he saw the leash though he calmed down and softened a bit. He allowed me to easily place the leash over his head and exited without issue. He pulled moderately on leash but is very strong when he wants to be. In the room Bleu sniffed around for the first several minutes. I held him on leash for awhile until i got to know him better and felt more comfortable. He walked around sniffing, avoiding eye contact and gave some slow low wags when speaking to him. As he walked around he was tolerant to me touching his back. When he walked over by the divider I placed it between us and knelt down letting him approach through the divider. He let me pet him lightly on his sides but gave a lot of lip licks, appeasement wags and did what he could to avoid eye contact with me. I attached a second leash to his so I had a bit more grabbing room and dropped leash letting him be. I went as sat in the chair giving him space and he would slowly come up to me to sniff and investigate. he remained nervous to handling but was tolerant in small spurts so I took things easy and went at his pace. He did however LOVE the freeze dried beef liver treats and perked up when giving them to him. He took them very gently when offered from me and they helped him to gain more confidence around me. Returned to kennel easily without issue.
Per volunteer 1/27: Good boi! Sweet.
Per staff 1/26: Bright, alert, and responsive, friendly but scared and nervous. He was able to be fully checked in without any signs of aggression. He does not like his face or mouth touched and when it was he just thrashed his head away.
Per volunteer 1/25: Very calm, loves to sniff, very easy on leash.
Bleu was at the front of the kennel with a high flagging tail and wide, hard eyes. He did some huffing and growled a little, but stopped after a few seconds. I kept my hand high while leashing and was able to leash him ears to snout without issue. Once secured he came out on his own with hackles raised.
Pulls strongly – just due to size
In the room, Bleu came into the room with a neutral tail and was scanning the room. He walked around on leash with his main handler and was curious of the other people in the room with neutral eyes and a mid level wagging tail. He would go from being more comfortable with being left alone and looking up, sniffing, and approaching us with a wagging tail and soft us – to then being tense, stiff with wide eyes once he got close enough to us and when he had direct (face on) interaction. He did not take any treats from us and showed no interest in them. He showed no interest in the handlers unless we called him but remained tolerant throughout his eval. The handler used the gate as a barrier for some handling around his side and face. Bleu avoided all eye contact and refused to face her direction. Due to his aloof behavior and certain conflicting demeanor, we decided to put him back to give him more time to regulate himself.
No interest – did not attempt due to size
No interest
Per staff 1/24: Bleu was at the front of his kennel and when I stopped, he was barking and let out a small growl. A volunteer was there and had treats, she gave him one and then he sat for another.
Summary of owner surrender notes: They had Bleu for 7 years and had originally gotten him from a friend. When asked to describe him, they said “he only been around me” and that “he listens to me but other people I don't know.”. They said he is housetrained, working on crate training, high energy, pulls on leash, and knows some commands. When asked how he reacts towards strangers, they said “not well”. They do not know how he would be around cats or children as they never had him around them. They said “he’s fine” with other dogs.
On 1/28, Bleu was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection (URI) or "doggy cold" and started on doxycycline. He tested positive for pneumovirus. On 2/5, his course of doxycycline was extended and he was prescribed enrofloxacin due to having a complicated URI. He tested negative for pneumovirus on 2/12.
During his intake exam on 1/26, Bleu had red eyes, a slightly crusty nose, and heavy dirt and wax in his ears. His teeth had heavy tartar and yellow discoloration. His coat was soft with no fleas.
Due to being significantly overcapacity with animals and higher than usual intake, extensions are unlikely to be granted. If you are interested in an animal please contact ACCT Philly immediately. Due to limited space, timestamps may also be proceeded with early so it is imperative to let us know if you are considering adopting or tagging an animal.
ACCT Philly is located at 111 West Hunting Park Ave in Philadelphia. We are open for adoptions 7 days a week. Please visit www.acctphilly.org/adopt for details.
If you are a rescue interested in pulling this animal, please email our lifesaving team, or visit here if you are not currently a rescue partner: https://acctphilly.org/acct-philly-love-local-partnership-program/
Confirmed placement is considered a confirmation of an actual rescue pull. Possible placement, interested parties, and other "TBD" statuses are not considered confirmed and do not indicate an animal is no longer urgent.
All animals at ACCT Philly are from Philadelphia, as the only open-intake animal shelter in Philadelphia, we are not able to accept animals from outside of Philadelphia. ACCT Philly's Pennsylvania kennel license number is 08313.