Rick Porter-Retired Teacher Hall of Fame
An inspirational teacher, motivating coach, and community leader is the most recent addition to the Flora Unit 35 Retired Teachers Hall of Fame.
The proud father of four children and 16 grand and great grandchildren, this devoted educator began his memorable career in 1973 and remains a vital cog in the education of the students in Clay County today.
Rick Porter began his professional career in Westfield, Illinois where he taught physics, chemistry, algebra I, general math, and sixth grade science. Returning to Clay County in 1977, Mr. Porter spent 30 years, inspiring his students in the disciplines of physics, chemistry I and II, algebra, general math, and seventh grade math.
Yet teaching in the classroom was not enough to satisfy the drive of this impressive educator. Beginning in 1973 and extending beyond his classroom experience, Mr. Porter coached junior high boys’ basketball and track and varsity basketball, baseball and cross country during his tenure in Westfield, Illinois.
Once moving to Flora, Rick became an institution in the Flora coaching fraternity. At FHS, Rick coached freshman/sophomore football, freshman basketball, and JV basketball.
Coach Porter proudly mentored the FHS girls’ basketball program and could be seen pacing the court and probing his athletes to always get the most from themselves. For nine years, he served as head HS softball coach, and another six years as the eighth grade girls basketball coach.
It was Rick’s driving force that helped establish winning programs in both high school girls’ basketball and softball. Prior to his tenure, neither program had experienced a winning season. During his 13 years as girls’ basketball coach, his teams won five regionals; as head softball coach for nine years, his squads brought home four regional titles.
Highlighting this impressive coaching career, Rick was so proud to be able to coach his four children, and even a couple of grandchildren in basketball, softball, and baseball. Because of his dedication as a teacher and coach, Mr. Porter experienced more than a dozen of his players being recruited and attaining scholarships to further their education and spring boarding their athletic careers at the college level. Rick coached in every sport, except tennis, volleyball, golf, and cheerleading. Rick also coached little league and junior league softball and helped organize and run the junior pro and winter rec basketball programs.
Post retirement, Mr. Porter coached one year of junior high girls’ basketball and volunteered coaching for three years, including the 2016 Wolfgal regional girls championship team. He coached college softball at OCC for two years.
Rick earned his bachelor of science degree in 1973 and in 1991 completed a masters in education degree from Eastern Illinois University.
He and his wife Jean have been married over 50 years and have traveled extensively during their retirement. Rick and Jean have been to every state except Florida and Hawaii in their well- traveled RV. In addition to his travels, Rick enjoys hunting and fishing with his children and grandchildren. Rick has also been a dedicated member of the Unit 35 board of education for 12 years.
Rick Porter: a proud family man, a proud teacher, coach and board member, and now a very proud member of the Flora Unit 35 Retired Teachers Hall of Fame.