Hi Folks,
Sorry for the lack of updates. We've still been searching around the area for Bruty, but haven't had any possible sightings since August. At this point it has been beyond frustrating. :(
The primary goal of this page is to get our Brutus back to us by raising awareness around the area so everyone can be on the look out for him. That will never change, but I also would like to bring more detail about what has been going on. This will be a long read, so please bear with me. But it will also bring to light alot more details about the incident and let those still using All Animal Clinic make an informed decision if this place is truly the right place to take your animal.
After much thought a few months back we decided to file a law suit against Pet Vet Care Centers (the parent company of All Animal Clinic) to see what we could get done about their negligence that lead to Bruty being lost. Sadly the only way to get the attention of companies like that is thru their wallet, so we filed a suit for money we had already spent looking for Bruty and money we would most likely spend in the search and as reward money to get him back.
So the lawyer sent a letter to the company and we waited for a response. We finally got a letter back saying that had forwarded the information to their insurance company and it would take 45-60 days to investigate the claim. It had already been almost 90 days at this point and NO ONE from the company had even contacted us not even to apologize or ask how they can help. Nothing but crickets from the company. You would think when someone at the clinic called them to let them know they lost someone's dog, that maybe a manager/district manager would do some damn due diligence and contact that customer to see what they can do to help. But nope, not one call, letter, or anything.
We finally got a letter back from the insurance company saying they would give us $500 dollars to get a new dog. Or at least that is how we are taking it. I will post the letter on here in the next few days. Basically listed two amounts totaling just over $500 for Adoption Fee/Spay or Neuter. Needless to say this just pi**ed us off even more. You lost something priceless to us, and you going to insult us with at $500 offer. We spent more than that the first week looking for him. We still are going to continue the lawsuit, but this whole situation has really disgusted us with that company and the management of All Animal Clinic.
We have been disgusted on the handling of this since the day he was lost. All this could have been avoided by just staying in contact with your customer, no matter how bad things are, not talking to your customer makes it much worse. Hell offering to pay for some flyers or supplies we were out money on trying to find him would have went a very very long ways. Just anything...something to show you actually give a damn.
All I can do at this time is just get word out to others who use them to beware, things maybe good now, but if the same happens to you, the company that owns them doesn't care about your animals or you. They don't even have a number that you can contact them at on their website. The company owns over 450 clinics across the country. You can visit their website to see all the locations they own. In Alabama they own the following.
All Animal Clinic
Leighton, AL 35646
Best Friends Animal Hospital
Madison, AL 35758
Center Star Veterinary Services
Killen, AL 35645
Central Valley Animal Hospital
Rainbow City, AL 35906
Summerville Animal Hospital
Phenix City, AL 36867
West Gate Veterinary Hospital
Enterprise, AL 36330
Whitesburg Animal Hospital
Huntsville, AL 35802