Unaltered Dog And Cat Owners!!
😭😭😭😭😭🐾🐾🐾😭😭😭😭😭Seeing daily the effects of dog and cat overpopulation breaks my heart. Over 10,000 animals daily euthanized because there are not enough homes. You may think I don’t need to spay or neuter my animal yet… just one or two litters to make some money…. 😔😔 It’s not just you.. it’s the people u sell your puppies to with the same mentality… just a litter or two.. and so on and so on. Soooo many designer breeds, sooo many of those cute smash faced breeds, sooo many purebreds… killed daily because responsible breeders found homes for their litter…. Death all around. Death to the dog at the pound waiting for a home to open, but doesn’t because of a dog in your litter. Maybe not the original litter but give it a generation or two and someone from your litter will end up in rescue somewhere. You can say no, but as I get deeper and deeper into animal rescue and am moderating needs for animals for an amazing StL rescue group…I can say without a doubt, you’re wrong. You can think it’s just a problem in my area, wrong again. When I tell you 24/7 our page is overwhelmed with animals, getting rescues in place, arranging transportation from ALL states, it just skims the surface. Actually I see so many animals being brought to StL from other states for help… it’s just heartbreaking. So long story short, love your dog enough to love its babies and the horror show of a life that is potentially theirs and spay and neuter! Would you have kids to have kids to be sentenced to death because it takes up space? Or worse, to be mutilated and abandoned at the hands of evil? Then why are you asking that of your dog? I just do not, nor will I ever understand it. There’s a meme that says Animal Rescue is like trying to empty the ocean a tablespoon at a time. A rescue friend of mine said, “Recently, it feels like someone put holes in our spoons!” 🎯🎯🎯 All actions have reactions in this world… be a part of the solution, not part of the problem!
From a 24/7 Animal Rescue Page Moderator, Animal Foster, Animal Rehabilitation Worker, Dog Walker, and Dog Mom.