The nice thing about having chickens is getting to watch the sunrise every day.
What is your favorite thing about raising chickens?
Hello! 👋 Good Morning! ☀️ Happy 😃 Sunday!
Chicken Pumpkin Carving #chickens #chickensofinstagram #chickendinner #pumpkin #pumpkincarving #jackolantern
Wheaten Marans
Silver Laced Barnevelder
BBS Ameraucana
Wheaten Olive Egger
Cream Legbar pullets
#nixchix #placer #placercounty #auburnca #foresthill #foresthillca #auburn #chicks
Just hatched🐣available Auburn/Foresthill CA
9 cream Legbar
14 Wheaten Olive Egger
8 BBS Ameraucana
7 Wheaten Marans
5 German Bielefelders
#placer #placercounty #placerpoultry #auburnca #chicks #wheatenmarans #wheatenoliveegger #creamlegbar #germanbielefelder #ameraucana #bbsameraucana #nixchix #hatchlings
Available and ready to go! DM more for more details!
Available now: 11 White Sapphires (straight run) and 5 sexed German Bielefelder pullets. DM me to claim yours quick before they’re gone!
#whitesapphire #whitespphires #chicks #germanbielefelder #pullets #justhatched #nixchix
Coturnix quail hatching eggs available now! DM me to schedule pick up! #coturnixquail #quail #nixchix #hatch #hatching #quaileggs #incubator
More hatching! Hopefully I’ll get your order completed soon. I’ll message you if your up once I take them out and count tomorrow. If this one doesn’t have what you need the next hatch is scheduled for the 11th. Then up comes the poultry expo where I will be taking 150+ chicks! #hatchday #hatch #hatchabatch #nixchix #chicks #justhatched #hatchlings #backyardbreeder #crazychickenlady
The next batch has hatched! Hatch number 4 of the season! If you ordered some of the breeds I listed off you could be up for pick up this weekend! Pick up days will be Friday and Saturday! #placercounty #auburn #foresthill #foresthillca #auburnca #placer #chicks #babychicks #chicksofinstagram
Ok I’ve filled complete orders and am now left with “leftovers”! Who wants some chicks?!? I’ve got German Bielefelder pullets available just hatched yesterday! These will go fast! PM me now for pick up today or Sunday! They need to be gone by tomorrow evening!
If you’re on my waitlist I may have already contacted you. Be ready for pick up this weekend please. If not, I’ll move down the list and you’ll be contacted again at next hatch. #hatch #chickens #chicks #hatchling #wokeuplikethis #nixchix #hatchday #wheatenmarans #wheatenoliveegger #welsummer #barnevelder #bielefelder
2nd hatch of the year! Wheaten Olive Eggers, German Bielefelders and Silver Double Laced Barnevelders. If you ordered these breeds and these breeds only I probably already contacted you with an update. If you ordered other breeds besides these you’ll be on the next round. Getting to you all as soon as nature allows. #wheatenoliveegger #wheatenoliveeggers #silverdoublelacedbarnevelder #doublesilverlacedbarnevelder #germanbielefelder #bielefelder #nixchix #newhatch #hatchlings #incubate
#babychicks #chicks #chicksontiktok #chicksofinstagram
Hatched 7/25 and looking for a new brooder to call home! LAST big hatch of the season! I will only be doing special pre orders the rest of the season! These are a two-fer!!! I’ve never offered this before so don’t miss out! Located near Auburn off of Foresthill Road! #chick #chicks #madhatchers #placercountypoultry #placercounty #backyardpoultrymagazine #sacramento #auburnca #auburn #bluelacedredwyandotte #doublesilverlacedbarnevelder #welsummer #germanbielefelder
They want a new brooder to call home! Sound on!
3 Double Silver Laced Barnevelder, 2 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and 1 German Bielefelder Pullet! DM ME!!! Pick up TODAY, Sunday and get one half off!!!!
Hatched 7/7 and looking for a new brooder to call home. Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Double Silver Laced Barnevelder, German Bielefelder and Welsummer up for discussion! PM me to chat! #auburn #auburnca #placer #placercounty #placercountypoultry #chick #foresthill #foresthillca #placercountychics #nixchix #video #chickens
New hatch! 6/30! Wyandotte, Barnevelder and Bielefelders! Come and get ‘em! #chicks #nixchix #wyandotte #barnevelder #bielefelder #welsummer #justhatched #chicksofinstagram