The Good Doods Goldendoodles

The Good Doods Goldendoodles The Good Doods Goldendoodles is located in Forreston, IL.

Nellie was chosen tonight and will be living in Freeport with her family and a sweet older dog named Tucker! I’m not sur...

Nellie was chosen tonight and will be living in Freeport with her family and a sweet older dog named Tucker! I’m not surprised she was chosen next as her new momma loved her from the very first photo.

Congratulations to Nora! She will be leaving in two weeks to live with her family in Lena!🐾

Congratulations to Nora! She will be leaving in two weeks to live with her family in Lena!🐾

6 weeks old tomorrow❤️

6 weeks old tomorrow❤️

5 weeks old today! They would love to have you come visit.

5 weeks old today! They would love to have you come visit.

From my Crew to Yours! Merry Christmas! It’s been a joy to see updates throughout the year as your pups have grown and I...

From my Crew to Yours! Merry Christmas! It’s been a joy to see updates throughout the year as your pups have grown and I am so honored that so many have chosen us to get their pup from❤️
Love Owen, Ava, Heidi, Jon, Ella,
Copper, Penny, Lincoln, Liberty , Gunner, Millie, and Ada

Our sweet Raven girl passed away early yesterday am while in my husbands arms. She made it to the 1 pound weight mark ju...

Our sweet Raven girl passed away early yesterday am while in my husbands arms. She made it to the 1 pound weight mark just before passing. She was loved more than I knew was physically possible while being here for such a short period. While this was not the outcome I had hoped for, I know the Lord can and will use it for Good.

Once again I would like to thank our “guardian angel” as the Lord already knew when Raven would take her first and last breath. It was through His Mercy and His Grace that he used her to supply all of our needs for Raven. Without her I would have forever questioned what else I could have done to save her. I love deeply and have always been extremely hard on myself and I know in my heart that unless I was a veterinarian myself there was absolutely not a thing I could have done or tried that I didn’t already do to save her.

As all puppies are…she was born physically blind and deaf. Because of sin, humans are born spiritually blind and deaf. We ALL need Jesus.

She lived for exactly 30 days(Nov 21-Dec 21) In the Bible, age 30 could symbolize “dedication to a calling or set apart of a specific task”

-At age 30 David became King

-Ezekiel was 30 when called by God as a prophet

-At age 30 Jesus began His ministry and John the Baptist began baptizing.

-in the Torah the Israelites mourned Moses and Aaron for 30 days.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names. Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure. The Lord lifts up the humble; he casts the wicked to the ground. Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre! He covers the heavens with clouds; he prepares rain for the earth; he makes grass grow on the hills. He gives to the beasts their food, and to the young ravens that cry.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭147:3-9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Raven’s Story Part 2Remember how in Part 1 of Ravens story I told you Ravens symbolize Gods Grace, His Mercy, and are a ...

Raven’s Story Part 2

Remember how in Part 1 of Ravens story I told you Ravens symbolize Gods Grace, His Mercy, and are a reminder that he will supply all our our needs? Well on our way home
From the emergency tears fell down from my face I get a text message from our regular vet offices front desk lady (who from here on out will Be referred to as guardian angel) asking me how Raven is doing.

I told her how the visit went and she told me
To text her when I got home. Now keep
In mind the only interactions I have had with this angel is from regular vet appointments. I don’t know her and she doesn’t know me.

She asks for my address and she shows up at 6:00 outside my house . She brings a nebulizer with medication , an incubator, an
Oxygen machine…bottles..tubes..syringes…formulas. Blankets…anything you can even think of. She even had a camera so I could monitor her while working in salon.

She proceeds downstairs to my kitchen to make a high protein “puppy crack” as she calls it. She gets everything set up and explains what I need to do. She sends me
Like 10 pdfs of how to care for neonatal puppies. I literally have my very own
Puppy “icu” in my upstairs bedroom of my
House. This lady is as hopeful as they come. She had me administer subcutaneous fluids to make sure she stays hydrated. She give me Pedialyte. I know I’m forgetting something but you get the point. This angel shows up and supplies any need I could have had basically and on her way to
Leave I tried so Slip her a couple hundred dollars as that’s al I had on hand
At the time and she refused to take
It. She says” this is what I do and I just hope she gets better”. This “guardian angel” just happens to care for neonatal puppies and kittens with cleft lips and all
Sorts of other stuff for rescues all
Over. The dying ones no one is willing to give a chance. She said if she wasnt leaving out of the country she would have taken on RAven too but this is the best she can do at the moment. (More then enough)

So she leaves and I get up throughout the night I offer liquids I stimulate to go potty I burp and nebulizer I try to feed. I try and do all the overwhelming things. But if that angel
Had hope then surely I can have hope too! I’m up all
Night every two hours . Morning comes and I almost think she is worse then before.

She has an incubator to stay warm. Oxygen. Why is she gasping for breath with every second. I’ve nebulized . I’ve done ALL the things. What more can I do?

I don’t know if you are like me but I have a hard time accepting help. I’ve always had the mentality that if you want something right you do it yourself! But you see we weren’t created for that. It’s not about what WE can do but rather what can God do!

It’s now Wednesday (my long hair
Day and jon is gunna have to take care of her) so I’m out in my salon (which is directly behind my house and Raven can’t breathe. She won’t eat so Jon does something that terrifies me and he tube fed her. (I’m so proud of him….every breeder should know how to do this but it is scary because if done incorrectly it can go to lungs and she dies) I check in on her throughout the day when I can. I administer more fluids via needle. She is NOT better. With every breath she takes all I can see is my dad dying all over again of starvation and suffocation. So I begin crying again and at this point I can’t take it anymore. It’s too unbearable I give it to the Lord and I just pray He would peacefully take her or heal her . I go back to salon and back to work. I check on her again and not better (I feel terrible for thinking this but now I was to the point that I was thinking why can’t jon just give mer some nyqil and not tell me). Because I’m emotionally and physically drained

I ended up finishing sooner than normal as my last client rescheduled for another day . So it’s now 5:00 and I go check in on Raven . Im fully prepared to find her lifeless but just incase she isn’t I bring in Liberty(momma) to go
See her.

Stayed tuned for part 3

Ravens Story Part 1When I started breeding three years ago I never ever thought or expected owners to keep the names I g...

Ravens Story Part 1

When I started breeding three years ago I never ever thought or expected owners to keep the names I gave them while in my care. I choose to name them because I feel it gives me more connection while in my care instead of just saying boy 1/2/3 or purple or pink girl etc. I name them because I love each and every one literally as if my own. God has entrusted me to care for them until it’s time to go to their new homes. And to my surprise…we have about a 30 percent ratio of those that have kept their names! ❤️

Raven was born at 10.4 oz which isn’t abnormal. It’s typical to see a drop in weight the first day or so and then have it spike back up when mommas milk comes in . Well, Raven wasn’t gaining weight by day three and was down to 7.2 oz. The rest had began to grow. So I named them on day 3 and I chose Raven because she wasn’t gaining weight and I remembered how in the Bible the Lord used Ravens to bring food to the people so they wouldn’t starve. So I prayed over her and prayed the Lord too would bring her nutrition and growth. I used to only think of Ravens as horrible ugly birds that symbolize death and illness and that horrible Edgar Allen Poe book-play….but the Lord reminded me that no….he used an “unclean bird” to save the people. Ravens are a symbol of His Grace…His Mercy, and a reminder that He will supply all of our needs.

On day 5 I took all of their photos to post and I noticed a small amount of crust in the corner of her eye. It didn’t look normal to me so off to the vet I went. Before I went I gave a warm
Compress so by the time I got to the vet it looked completely normal. Just out of caution the vet gave me antibiotic eye drops and told me to use them once her eyes began to open (which usually doesn’t happen until around 2 weeks old as all puppies are born blind and deaf and eyes are fused together)

The next day was Thanksgiving and woke up to her other eye having a bulge the size of a pea. All the vet offices were closed so I contacted a breeder friend who told me I need to drain the pus as that kind of pressure could potentially cause blindness if left untreated. So I spent hours doing warm compresses to soften the eyes and slowly trying and open even a smidge so I could drain the pus. After a long attempt ….i heard a very loud pop and oh my the pus…if any of you have ever watched Dr. Pimple Popper…then you all know what I am talking about. So gross.

The next day my normal vet was closed but I wanted to verify I was treating it correctly so made an appt with another vet who was of zero help. He said “oh she is wiggly she isn’t going to let me touch her…just keep doing what you are doing and hope for the best…and he gave me a cream” so I continued to drain pus daily and very carefully and administer drops/cream. It seemed it was getting better. I continued to weigh her daily and she was not gaining the typical 10 percent daily weight that most puppies gain. So she was back up to birth weight of 10.4 oz around day 10. She was nursing fine, acting fine , and doing everything that a normal 10 day old puppy would do. I started to supplemental feed her at around day 10. She would gain a little bit then the next day she would lose it again.

At 3 weeks old she stopped nursing so we went to syringe feeding only every 2 hours and separated her from her littermates . We gave Karo syrup for blood sugar we gave liver water. We made sure she was at a super warm temperature so she wasn’t hypothermic . She was weak and lethargic so back to the vet we went . We asked to be shown how to tube feed and asked if she could have subcutaneous liquids under the skin. The lady at the front desk was amazing and she showed us how to do all that and sent us on our way with many of her personal supplies and also gave me her personal number. By that evening she was a completely different dog…she perked right up and was eager to start suckling again.

By Monday I brought her to my salon and she was doing soooo good! I thought we were in the clear as her sucking reflux was strong and I let her cuddle with a few siblings (shown below to show size difference) by Monday evening she completely stopped eating all together. Sometime in the middle of the night she starting making a barking/crying noise(up until then she had not so much even made a peep)

It was now Tuesday morning and this poor girl wouldn’t hold her head up and was in so much pain. Her tummy felt hard so I feared it could be bloat. She kept doing this thing where it looked like she was dry heaving but with no production. She had regurgitated her food a few times but I just thought it was due to her sucking too fast. I gave her gas drops and a warm bath and did everything to help relieve her tummy ache . There was no time to waste. This precious little girl was going to die if something didnt change and fast.

So off the to emergency vet in Rockford we went . We were there for about 5 hours. They said they didn’t think it was bloat so did an X-ray and said she had aspirated and there was fluid in the lungs. However for as bad as her breathing was they were very surprised the X-ray wasn’t worse then it was so said there could be something else going on and gave us the option to take her home or “consider the quality of life” “aka put her down” They said that due to the previous eye infection they noted “bilateral cloudiness in eye…Vision impaired”. So it’s still too soon to know for sure but I’m pretty sure that means possible blindness in one or both eyes. I also told the vet we health test for certain types of blindness and asked if this could be a fluke thing or could it happen again. She assured me that sometimes this just happens and there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. I asked if we should not continue to breed this mom and dad again and she assured me that since we have never had problems in the past that she sees no reason why we can’t continue to use these parents in our breeding program. (Because this is our first priority. It’s not about $$$ the last thing I want to do is produce puppies that aren’t 100 percent perfect)

We chose to bring her home….even if blind, if she has fought this hard to survive then I can’t help but not give up on her too. So they discharged us and gave us an antibiotic to prevent “aspiration pneumonia” and we went home. I cried the whole way home holding this precious little puppy in my arms. (We have been extremely blessed and have never lost a puppy that was born alive while in my care) As my eyes filled with tears I felt so loved by my husband who drove me to Rockford and waited
With me the whole time all while
Knowing 11 years ago “he never wanted a dog in the first place” I knew he had a million things for work to catch up on and this now meant he would be up until midnight or later to complete his work just so he could be there for me and this puppy. This was also my only day off before my family christmas and the presents didn’t get wrapped nor the cookies baked or frosted . Literally so much to do and not enough time. I hadn’t slept through the night in weeks and I was just so so so tired .

Part 2 to follow….

4 weeks old today. Most people onlySee the good and think I just cuddle puppies all day long. The truth is so much love ...

4 weeks old today. Most people only
See the good and think I just cuddle puppies all day long. The truth is so much love and tears and energy go into raising healthy and clean puppies and I’m tired…so so tired . Raven isn’t shown below as she is currently in what I call “puppy icu.” She has been receiving round the clock care from me. What started as an eye infection progressed and she has failed to grow. Her story will follow in another post but she’s a fighter and I know the Lord has something special for her.

And all Puppies have gone to their new homes! Thank you to EVERYONE who has liked, shared, or commented on our page! We ...

And all Puppies have gone to their new homes! Thank you to EVERYONE who has liked, shared, or commented on our page! We appreciate you so much! Poppy(now Penny) left for Oregon Wi this am , and Buddy just left a few moments ago and will live in Browntown WI.

We used this cone for penny after spay . The vet said females typically don’t need a cone but I had already bought one a...

We used this cone for penny after spay . The vet said females typically don’t need a cone but I had already bought one and it’s so cute. Would work great for after neutering so thought I’d share (comes in blue)

Supet Inflatable Dog Cone Collar...

Supet Inflatable Dog Cone Collar Alternative After Surgery, Dog Neck Donut Collar Recovery E Collar, Soft Dog Cone for Small Medium Large Dogs

I’ve been getting posts deleted for a few days now and I’m in Facebook jail…there’s a good chance my page will eventuall...

I’ve been getting posts deleted for a few days now and I’m in Facebook jail…there’s a good chance my page will eventually get deleted as soooo many other breeders are experiencing the same thing Sadly. They take a post down then they restore it and then they take five more down. What other platforms can you recommend?

Yay! It’s go home day for these handsome Fellas!

Yay! It’s go home day for these handsome Fellas!

These two sweet boys are headed home today!

These two sweet boys are headed home today!

More photos ❤️

More photos ❤️


Forreston, IL



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