Peeling Back the Layers of Embodiment
I’m standing there at the front of the arena thinking, how am I going to recover from this one. I was working with a peer (who thank goodness also happens to be a very dear friend) and had just experienced that odd feeling of my soul reentering my body after having noped out of the situation at hand. I’m not surprised, maybe it was the white breeches or the environment or the breed of horse but it makes sense that I walked in there and was instantly transported back through time. Suddenly and without warning, Trainer Chiara crawled out of memory and took over. The horse is front of her was a jumbled mass of puzzle pieces that didn’t fit, parts that weren’t working, attitude that needed adjusting. He needed this and that and someone just had to get in there and do some fixing. I had fallen into my own well-worn trap.
It was the horse of course who pulled me back. He had one look at me and in that casual way that horses view us without judgement or condemnation, expressed that I had missed the mark and he wouldn’t be participating. I managed to apologize to my friend and honouring her horse’s response to me, picked up my humble pie and started over to do the best I could with what I had. The session ended well with both horse and human content.
This experience raised a lot of questions. The foremost being, why when I practice and preach embodiment, was this happening with me?
Oxford Dictionary defines Embodiment as:
“Someone or something that represents a quality or an idea exactly”
“Someone or something that is a perfect representative or example of a quality, idea, etc.”
To me, these definitions convey that Embodiment is a practice, that it is subjective and that it is universally available. As a cultural universal, the concept of Embodiment is prevalent in both spiritual and therapeutic realms. To the best of my understanding, both imply that Embodiment is the embrace of all of our parts (body, heart, mind and soul) as equals in facilitating alignment with self, community, the world and higher power. I have read that Embodiment explores the relationship between our physical being and our energy. I love that! Its practices often focus on healing through mindfulness, connection, self-regulation and self-love, particularly incorporating physical movement/somatic experience.
Though it took me some time at first as it’s a word that used to make me feel icky, I’ve been using the word Embodiment in all spheres of my life for some time now and had grown quite comfortable with it.
Comfortable enough to meet a time and space where that comfort was deeply challenged.
Over the last several months, I chose to follow this unpleasant thread as it weaved back on itself, showing me all the places where it simply wasn’t. I found myself questioning many of my belief systems, both healing and harmful and wondering; were they mine? When I followed the feeling of being rooted, woven tight into the tapestry, I was then able to ask myself, “yes but am I really bringing this into every area of my life to the best of my abilities?”. The answer was No and the result has been a classic escapade of revisiting and realigning with the practices that I preach.
As seems to happen, there were several facilitating universal synchronicities that came into play as my embodiment practices were reorganized and reestablished. Many opportunities to ask questions arose in my work, marriage, therapy and relationships, with all areas offering me new ideas and support in exploration.
Timely of course was Celeste’s Energetics Course on The Art of Subtle Release.
I have been a practicing witch for 27 years and had always kept that part of myself separate from my “job”. But as my job became my work and my work became my practice, I could no longer hold any imminent integration at bay. It was a beautiful course to work through and because I was familiar and practiced with most of the concepts, it would have been easy to go through and pat myself on the back for all the deliciously validating content we were visiting. My curiosity simply wouldn’t allow this and so instead it provided my thread of self-exploration with reinforced strength and clarity.
Through the revolution this little unwavering thread inspired, I have discovered renewed love and greater appreciation for my Mind Space. On the one hand, I believe that I have been culturally, socially and emotionally conditioned to be overly indulgent of the mind space and because I have observed this to be the same for others, I feel that this space often gets a bad rep and a lot of flak. After all, it does contain our ego. However, I don’t believe that our minds are designed to do half the s**t we put on them, making them responsible for the bulk of our experiences, so honestly I mostly applaud their tireless efforts to keep us alive and well. Our minds are our imaginations, where our fantasies can become our dreams, our dreams become our goals and our goals become our realities. Our minds can tell us when we are truly in danger vs when we are triggered and emotionally hijacked. Our minds are our dedicated advisors, problem solvers and creators. When we have the love and awareness to bring our other parts to the table, our minds are full of magic!
I have discovered a profound love and appreciation for my body. At 40 years old, this is the prettiest and healthiest I have ever been. Some days, I allow my body to rest and some days I push her to demonstrate her strength, stamina and ability. I trust her implicitly to guide me in all things. I honour her with play and joyful movement as much as with targeted engagement and exercise. I have learned to bear witness to her subtle patterns- noticing how she compensates and offering alternative ways of organizing and moving through space. My body is truly becoming my sacred vessel and I adore her.
And my heart, oh my sweet precious unconditionally loving heart! The more I bring my heart space to whatever I’m doing, the more I am able to Feel. The more I experience. The more I am Alive. Sometimes being alive hurts like hell and sometimes it’s so all encompassing in its beauty that it’s worth every moment of pain.
This is how I want to live and what I strive to bring to my practice- a heart that loves without agenda, a body that is strong, capable and knows her boundaries and a mind that excites to engage and inspire💕
~ Chiara