D. Trump and Fox want to drive us out of business. $50 Gift Cards for $35 help stop them.
TLDR Upfront: Donald Trump and the right wing media are trying to drive us out of business because last weekend we welcomed Kamala Harris into our Pittsburgh store where she hugged one of our customers. Please send us your money : )
$50 Gift Cards for $35: https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/special-offer-penzeys-gift-card/c-24/p-3129/pd-s
Donald Trump called Penzeys “Terrible Over-Priced Product” this week. Fox News called Penzeys “the meanest spice shop in America.” Much of the rest of the right wing media repeated those words or worse. All this because we welcomed Vice President Kamala Harris into our Pittsburgh store this past Saturday.
They really do want to boycott Penzeys out of existence. They want to make an example of us and leave every other retail store out there too frightened to welcome in Kamala like we did. They want us to be the next Bud Light trophy on their wall to show off the costs of going against their will.
And as much as you know we won’t back down, if you don’t make the effort to support us right now this will be crippling. Yes, email subscribers (Thank You Email Subscribers!) have known who we are for years. But among our store customers we have hundreds of thousands who are not on our list. Among those there are no doubt tens of thousands, maybe more, under the Fox/Trump influence.
You know the hypnotic power Trump and Fox have over their followers. When they say do something their crowd does it. We’ve already had thousands of customers quit. We know because they really can’t help themselves from announcing their departures.
No coupons or codes are needed for our through-Sunday 9.15.24 offers of $50 Gift Cards for $35, a free $4.95 Hug Coin to anyone coming into our stores or placing an order online, a free $24.95 Care gift box with the purchase of 3 Gift Cards/$105 spending, and an additional free $59.95 Choose Love gift box free with 10 Gift Cards/$350 spending.
$50 Gift Cards for $35: https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/special-offer-penzeys-gift-card/c-24/p-3129/pd-s
And for no reason, this weekend also randomly seemed a good time for half off all our Orange spices and seasonings.
To get half off Orange Spices and Seasonings in one of our stores, just be ready to show this post on your phone. Online at penzeys.com, simply enter FUN in the apply code box at checkout. It’s so easy.
You can find a list of all our half-off Orange color Spices and Seasonings here: https://www.penzeys.com/shop/spices/?categoryId=201
And as much as we will have fun with all this, the stakes, as they say, are frighteningly high. We all have an old friend or relative who has fallen under the influence of what the right wing world has become. You know they will do as they are told.
It really does help when you positively react to our posts, but this time that alone isn’t enough. If you haven’t already, please sign up for our email list. It’s a big help: https://www.penzeys.com/sign-up-for-email/
And if at all possible, this time we need you to buy something.
Buying and sharing a bunch of $50 gift cards for $35 is the best. But even giving away a few half-priced Seasoned Salts or Bold Taco Seasonings gives us the chance to pick up a new customer to make up for those they are driving away.
$50 Gift Cards for $35: https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/special-offer-penzeys-gift-card/c-24/p-3129/pd-s
Half off Orange color Spices and Seasonings: https://www.penzeys.com/shop/spices/?categoryId=201
At this very moment Penzeys is at the very center of the crossroads our nation finds itself at. And usually the problems we face don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world, but this time it’s different.
Either they win and our voice becomes quiet and the world becomes ever more of a place where the woke go broke. Or this time the overwhelming outpouring of support takes us from 50 stores to 200 and all the goodness at the heart of cooking, in Kamala’s hug, and in each and every one of us breaks through.
We are so close to ending the racism, and sexism, and homophobia, and transphobia, and all the other ways “others” get hurt in this country. We just need your help.
Please open up your wallet if you can.
Gift Cards: https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/special-offer-penzeys-gift-card/c-24/p-3129/pd-s
Please sign up for our email list if you can't: https://www.penzeys.com/sign-up-for-email/
Together we will get through this. Together we will be all right.
Thanks for saving us,
[email protected]