Are you really HAPPY?
Have you ever thought about what makes you happy?
Is it money? Is it love and being loved? Is it family? Is it a great job? Is it traveling?
What truly makes you happy?
#happy #truth #whatmakesyouhappy
#leadership #humanity #compassion #selfimprovement
Planting trees to save ourselves and our Earth. That is so simple solution. #plantatree
My first presentation of Global Enlightenment Academy at Mega Success, Anaheim, California. November 2019. 3500 people from 87 countries. #globalenlightenmentacademy #1002day #journey
Trees are life. Be kind to them, respect them and love them. #trees #nature #earth
Day 2 of Leadership Life Mastery
“Living healthy starts with taking the changes you want and moving beyond desire to making them a must.”
#healthyhabits #healthychoices #tonyrobbins #lifemastery
I heard these words at a seminar last Saturday. I feel it is a great way of looking at FEAR.
“ Fear is the indicator of what you need to do.!”
“ Fear disappears when you keep moving forward!”