Kiddos playing before dinner.. 7 weeks old today..
The kiddos all out romping around this evening before din din. They did get wore out. Lol
Noah, tri color boy.Will be joining the Campbell Family.. Very nice boy. Nice ears, lots of skin and thick bone boy.. Going to be a gorgeous boy. Serious inquiries pm.
Moses, look at those ears and skin. Very short and heavy boned boy. Going to be gorgeous. Was reserved but family decided to wait..I know there is a family for him out there, if not there is here.. He don't know what to think of the grass..
Early morning fun times after there breakfast at 4:30 am. These kiddos they are ornery after they eat, love to play, sleep and eat.. Hard to believe they will be 7 weeks old in 4 days time goes by so fast..
Little video of these kiddos. They come walking out of there new feeding area, and Noah and Moses always wrestling a bit afterwards. Just cannot believe how time goes by so fast with them 5 weeks old already.
Little video of the kiddos this evening. Be 5 weeks old tomarrow. They love the bigger area and of course the couple toys they have. Lol
Little video of the kiddos this evening.
4:30Am play time after there breakfast. 4 weeks old already. They sure are growing fast.boy are they getting ornery. Love it!!!
Short video of them being ornery at 4:00am this morning.. They sure are getting there personalities..
These kiddos are 3 weeks old and graduated out of the whelping box. Boy they love the bigger area. They all are starting to get there personalities and starting to play with each other.. All of them have alot of saggy skin coming out .. so much joy with them..
Little video of them this evening getting some din din. Top left is Noah(tri male) Top right is Anna(red/white female) Bottom left is Moses (red/white male) bottom Right is Evie(tri female)..