Awns suck! This season we’ve noticed Jango just hasn’t been himself, starting off in September we noticed a decline in his stamina and some soreness in his rib cage area. Once we got back from our Wyoming trip we did a full check up on him and we did find out he had a tick born disease, we treated him with a round of Doxycycline and he did seem like he was a little more upbeat but did notice he was still sore in is rib cage area still. We made it through our UP trip and then South Dakota and he did seem like he was better but still not 100%. December we noticed a lump on his left side, we drained it and flushed it with Chlorhexidine daily and started him on Antibiotics, set up another appointment with our vet and we thought maybe we had it all flushed out and he was on the mend.
We kept him on Antibiotics for another week and was finishing our Iowa season chasing birds, he seemed to be doing well and the area was basically back to normal. Four days off the antibiotics it had flared back up again and our vet got him in right away where they opened him up and removed all of the infection and scar tissue that formed prior.
Just days post surgery Jango boy is back to his happy goofy self, we can’t thank Dr. Tara and her techs enough for taking care of Jango.
If you’ve ever had to deal with this you know how bad it can be. Happy to see this boy back to himself, feel bad it took so long to figure it out.