Tyten!!!! The MAN!!!! Tyten was a handful according to mom and dad. Tons of reactivity to other dogs people on bikes and pretty much everything that moved.
Well today we finished up our In Home Lite Program and look at how Tyten reacts to an in tact male barking his head off in Tyten’s garage.
We taught Tyten how to co-exist with other things around him. He no longer pulls mom to the ground and has truly become one of my favorites. He still has some work to do but the progress he has made is amazing.
Well done Tyten, Jennifer and Chris!!!! Thank you all for trusting us with your baby boy
This is a video I just had sent to me from a customer. I am soooo proud of the work Rambo and his humans have done.
Great job and I look forward to continuing and going to the next level.
So your dog is reactive to other dogs?? We can help with that behavior. Ali is an intact male barking at another intact male. Look at the disengagement from Frisco during our first session. Being clear with what we expect is key in training. Well done Frisco and Denise! 🐾
Talk about a CHANGE!!!! Bailey used to be very dog reactive. She used to be very dog reactive, golf carts and cars were no treat to her. Now loose leash for life!!! GREAT JOB and Congrats on graduating our in home lite program!!!!
Have FUN with your training!!!
What is the biggest contributor to my success with training your dog? I answer that question...
FIRST SESSION!! Pearl had heavy leash pulling and in just one session... check her out!
Proof our voice is the best leash we have. This is all done with a martingale style collar, proper understanding by Pearl of what’s permitted and what’s not. Outstanding work by Pearl and her humans today.
Luke showing some strong work today at Lowe’s.
Thor has made such progress!!!
Thor hitting home runs at the park!!! No pressure leash walking. Then why have him on a leash you ask? Well it’s the law so if he drags a 50’ leash he’s still on leash right. Lol
This is how I want dogs to walk. Loose leash, no pressure and happy times with them “being dog’s”.
Thor has needed some time learning how to “co-exist.” He was afraid of parking lots and cars, he has needed help learning the world isn’t that scary. We visited Bass Pro and he did AMAZING! So proud of his progress.
I’ll post more videos of him learning to be further away and being more independent as well.
Remember just because it’s called an in-home program doesn’t mean we can’t go somewhere.
Dusty knocked it out of the park showing mom and dad. He is ready to go anywhere they want. 
Moxie is settling in nicely. Leash reactivity is much better already She’s a sweet girl 🐾
It’s almost “go home” time for Ivy. So it’s a nice relaxing bath and groom by trainer Shawn. Ivy has done very well... so proud of her.
Ivy didn’t like jumping in the car, now she has some new found confidence and is just showing off.
Everyone meet IVY!!! Ivy will be staying with me for a two week Board & Train. We will be working on leash pulling, jumping on people, proper greetings and so much more.
This video is two hours after I picked her up. I’ll share her progress , she is going to do GREAT!!!
This fury guy is named... Bob Barker, yes you read that right. He was a HEAVY leash puller and loved jumping on people.
This is 15 minutes into our first walk at our first session together. Proper reinforcement and boundaries for what’s acceptable and what’s not. Bob Barker and Dad Jake are going to be rock stars !!!
We want our dogs to “co-exist” right. Does that mean they have to meet every other dog around? NO!!! I want to hear your opinions on what socialization means to you when It comes to your pet
Ali loves riding on the golf cart. Such a perfect night for a little cruise with my boy.