August was a very sad and difficult month for the Animal Shelter team as we had to make extremely difficult decisions that shouldn't have to be made. Unfortunately, the number of animals being dumped and abandoned is at an all-time high and shelters cannot keep up. Rescues are packed full as well and none of us have anywhere to turn for help.
We are very aware of our capacity for care which means we have to consider not only how many animals we are housing but the conditions and care that we are able to provide for the animals. We cannot warehouse them, stack them in crates and barely scrape by each day. That is unfair to our staff and most certainly unfair to the animals.
We are doing everything we can to help people keep their pets, including offering spay/neuter assistance. We are so grateful to everyone who has taken us up on that offer!
If you've left a voicemail regarding s/n assistance, we have your info and are passing you to No More Puppies GA to get you scheduled!
The majority of calls that Animal Control is working are owned animals at large. This means owned animals running the streets, being a nuisance to neighbors, etc. Please keep your animals contained. We do not want them to end up here at the shelter where we are still over capacity. This cannot become the "norm" for our county. We have to do better as a whole and it takes everyone being a responsible pet owner.