Purple Clover K9

Purple Clover K9 Dog training and consulting.

Boche has completed his 2 week board and train! Stay tuned to see his videos!

Boche has completed his 2 week board and train! Stay tuned to see his videos!

How to use treats without your pet becoming overweight. It is easy to want to feed your dogs treats all the time because...

How to use treats without your pet becoming overweight. It is easy to want to feed your dogs treats all the time because we love them and that is how a lot of us show love!! Food equals love! This causes problems because when a pet becomes overweight, there are a slew of health problems that come with that. Here are some ways that you can give your pet treats without causing them to become over weight!!
*The best way is to measure out all of their food for the day and pull out a few handfuls to use as treats throughout the day. Your dog is fine eating food as treats because what they really want is your praise and attention. Pairing your attention and praise with food is a good way to treat your dog!
*Have your vet (or me!) calculate your pets daily calorie requirements and then let you know how many treats you can feed a day (this counts for chews as well!! They also have calories!!) There are calculations that can be done to know about how many calories your pet needs per day for their activity level, then calculating food calories vs treat calories, a feeding plan can be made to ensure that your pet gets what they need without getting too much.
*Give no sodium green beans (fresh, canned or frozen!). Green beans are a great treat. They are mostly water and fiber and have very few calories! (They can work as a great filler if your pet is on a diet to lose weight as well).
If you would like a diet analysis and plan, give me a call or text or shoot me an email and we can get that started!!

Looking for a Christmas puppy or dog? Did you know that we can help you find the best pet to fit your lifestyle and need...

Looking for a Christmas puppy or dog? Did you know that we can help you find the best pet to fit your lifestyle and needs? Give us a call to schedule a "pick a pup" consult! I will help ensure that a pet is going to fit your needs in a pet! 682-272-9412.

Kennel training.... So many people think that a kennel is bad and not good for the dog..... Have you ever wondered why y...

Kennel training.... So many people think that a kennel is bad and not good for the dog..... Have you ever wondered why your dog will hide under your bed or behind things that seem small? Dogs like to have a "cave". A place where they can escape if they get over stimulated or are in a scary situation. Kennels are not a bad thing!! Is it sometimes difficult to train a pet to go into a kennel? Yes. Is it worth it in the end? Yes. As much as you want to trust your dog to be out and about in your house, alone when you are gone, don't. I have many horror stories about not kenneling dogs while the owners are away, one of them being my own pet!! I will spare you the details now but if you want to know some, let me know. Another one that I hear "Well, my pet wouldn't do anything!!".... That's what I though.... My dog was great out! Until he wasn't.... He was 9 years old and it cost him his life.... That being said.... here are some tips for kennel training!
*START YOUNG!! Always start the kennel training process young! This will make things much easier in the end.
*Feed you pet in their kennel- feeding them their meals in the kennel help your pet to understand that this is not a bad place.
*NEVER use the kennel as a punishment- It is not a prison or a place for punishment... it is a safe space for your dog
*Start with short amounts of time in the kennel- Put your pet in the kennel when you are home and let them be in there for short amounts of time. When they are quiet and settle down and stay that way for at least 3 minutes at a time, then they can be let out and praised for being quiet in the kennel.
*Do not let children into the kennel!! I know that it is funny when kids crawl into the kennel with the dog... but like I said, this is meant to be a safe space. Kids are overwhelming and noisy (I know, I have 3 of my own). Your dog needs a place to get away from the kids and be in the quiet and alone. Letting your child climb into the kennel with the dog or at all is a good way for a child to get bit and no one wants that because as much as some want to blame the dog, that one is the owner's fault. Dogs are mostly tolerant but no one is tolerant of everything and should never be expected to be. If you need further help with training, please reach out to 682.272.9412. We can help!!

When looking at dog foods, what do you look for? If you need help deciding, give me a call and we can schedule a consult...

When looking at dog foods, what do you look for?
If you need help deciding, give me a call and we can schedule a consult! As a certified pet nutrition coach, I can give you the guidance that you need to feed your best friend well!

Did you know:If you have a pacemaker, you can put it in your medical POA or medical directives to have your pacemaker do...

Did you know:
If you have a pacemaker, you can put it in your medical POA or medical directives to have your pacemaker donated to a dog in need after you pass. Pacemakers cannot be donated to another human (within the US), but they can be donated to dogs with cardiac issues who would depend on it to stay alive.
You can have the pacemaker brought to a vet of your choice. So many of those get thrown away and dogs die because people don't know they can do this. It even saves the dog's owner the cost of the actual pacemaker which sometimes means the difference in being able to afford lifesaving treatment or not. 🐕 ❤️

https://vhc.missouri.edu/the-beat-goes-on/ #:~:text=%E2%80%9CWe%20also%20receive%20%E2%80%94%20and%20encourage,life%20for%20someone's%20canine%20companion.

Can you give this post a like? Need to see who can see this!! Please and thank you!!

Can you give this post a like? Need to see who can see this!! Please and thank you!!

What is your dream breed of dog that you would like to own? I have too many to count!!

What is your dream breed of dog that you would like to own? I have too many to count!!

I am not only concerned about your pet's behavior but also there health! I know there is some concern about the new myst...

I am not only concerned about your pet's behavior but also there health!
I know there is some concern about the new mystery respiratory virus that seems to be affecting several states. There have been no confirmed cases in Texas yet. With the holidays coming up, more people will be traveling with their dogs. Some things to do in the mean time to try to protect your dog:
*Avoid common areas such as dog parks, boarding facilities (of possible) and other common places where there is heavy traffic of dogs
*Make sure your pet is up to date on all vaccines. Because we don't know what this is, there is a chance that there is a vaccine that could lessen the severity of the disease.
*Don't share tog toys, blankets, food and water bowls with other dogs.
*If you are worried that your pet has a respiratory issue, please do not wait to take your pet in to your veterinarian. Don't wait to see if it goes away on its own.
Stay safe with your pet this holiday season!
Remember to call us for any training needs or nutrition consultations!

The Cornell Animal Health Diagnostics Center is available for consultation with veterinarians about suspected cases and can support veterinarians with specimen collection and transfer. Learn more about the tests performed. Latest Information on mystery canine respiratory illness 11.29.23 What is thi...

"If I die before my dog, let him see my body.He understands death, if he feels my death he can cry for me.If he doesn't ...

"If I die before my dog, let him see my body.
He understands death, if he feels my death he can cry for me.
If he doesn't see me again he will think I abandoned him and he will continue waiting for my return.
If I die before my companion, let him say goodbye to me.
"Dogs are an endless friendship, a loyal friend, a part of life and a reason to exist! "🐾❤️

*Author unknown*

-Artist -The Old Shepherd's Chief Mourner-Edwin Landseer 1837

Having problems with a dog pulling? Here are a couple things that you can try! *Don't pull on the leash! This only makes...

Having problems with a dog pulling? Here are a couple things that you can try!
*Don't pull on the leash! This only makes your dog want to pull harder. Pull your pet to where you want them to be and then release all pressure. This will teach your dog that pressure stops when they stay in the spot you are asking them to.
*If possible, don't use a harness (unless it is specifically a no pull harness). Harnesses are made to encourage a dog to pull! Use a regular flat collar or even a head harness. These are gentle tools to help teach a dog to not pull.
*Try walking with a treat in your hand down by your side to keep you dog interested in walking next to you. Every so often, give them a small piece to keep their interest.

Give us a call or a text at 682.272.9412 for more assistance with training!

I am now a Certified Pet Nutrition Coach! I can help you with training and pet nutrition needs! Let me know if you would...

I am now a Certified Pet Nutrition Coach! I can help you with training and pet nutrition needs! Let me know if you would be interested in this new service that I will be offering!

Hello on a rainy Saturday! Hope everyone is staying dry and enjoying this Saturday!

Hello on a rainy Saturday! Hope everyone is staying dry and enjoying this Saturday!

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while... I sometimes have a hard time coming up with content! That being...

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while... I sometimes have a hard time coming up with content! That being said, what kind of content would you like to see or would you interact with?


"He's afraid of X, so he must have been abused by/with X."

In rescue, a lot of dogs come into care with unknown histories. Many of these dogs present with specific or generalized fear and anxiety.

It can be easy - so, SO easy - to attach a story to their behaviour. In fact, it's becoming increasingly common for people to adopt dogs BECAUSE of their story. The more tragic, the better.

The problem with this is that it tends to freeze dogs into their neuroses. Their owner becomes so attached to the story, so emotionally invested, that they themselves cannot move past it. When the owner gets stuck, so does the dog.

Then the story becomes an excuse.

He's aggressive to the postman because one must have abused him.

He's leash reactive to other dogs because he was a 'bait dog'.

He runs from us when we grab the fly swat because someone has hit him with it.

In most cases, these behaviours are caused from a lack of experience in the critical period of socialization. Their inexperience can present itself as fear, anxiety, stress and aggression; mechanisms they develop over time to cope.

But what exactly caused their rescued dogs behaviour is irrelevant. It's a fools errand to try to figure it out; an addictive oxytocin-fueled quest to justify a lack of action.

He's afraid of men? Make men = good things. He runs from the fly swatter? Pick the damn thing up and throw the dog a handful of steak a few times. See what happens.

When we adopt a dog, we're making a commitment to BETTER their life. Holding on to their past is doing the opposite. Show them they're in a better place by overcoming their problems, not nurturing them.


If I have trained your dog, please go leave me a review on Google and yelp, pretty please!


What do you look for in a dog trainer?

Alright yall... I have a situation and I need your help. I have a young (2 year old) terrier mix that has been mutually ...

Alright yall... I have a situation and I need your help. I have a young (2 year old) terrier mix that has been mutually given over to us. He needs a home. He has a past of being terrified of, well, life. No, he was not abused or abandoned. His family just couldn't spend the time with him that he needs. He is very happy and while it has taken some time for him to warm up to us, he is a very energetic boy that loves to go! He LOVES my kids and will follow them all day long. He does well with my big dogs. He will need someone who can continue to have patience with him and work with him. He has not gone through the program but there will be a significant discount for him to go through the program for anyone interested. Please help me find this boy a home! Please!

Is your dog on heart worm prevention? All it takes is one mosquito bite for your dog to become infected with heart worms...

Is your dog on heart worm prevention? All it takes is one mosquito bite for your dog to become infected with heart worms. One. Bite.
The treatment is at least $1000 and you have to cage rest your dog for long periods of time or else they can break off a chunk of the worms as they are dieing and it will stop their heart.... they run that risk anyway... the treatment is a painful injection deep in the muscle...treatment is needed year 'round! Mosquitoes come inside too so no pet is safe. (In cats it is untreatable and fatal) please do your part and keep your pet on heartworm prevention all year long. This mosquito was in my house...

Bentley came to us as an extremely fearful case. It has been difficult but we are making progress! We were not able to t...

Bentley came to us as an extremely fearful case. It has been difficult but we are making progress! We were not able to touch him when he first got here. And no, this dog was not abused. He has been very, very loved.This is an extreme case of what can happen when you don't train a puppy the right way. He was just not socialized as a puppy (or anytime after that) and has since become so fearful that he bites. He doesn't do it to be mean, he is just scared. I am very proud of the progress he is making.Tonight, we did a heel walk. He didn't know how to walk well on a leash when he came to us. We still have a long road ahead, but we are working hard!

If you have people that you have wanted to share my info with (or if you have wanted it yourself) here is a qr code!

If you have people that you have wanted to share my info with (or if you have wanted it yourself) here is a qr code!

Dog Training for everydog.


If you could train your dog to do anything, what would it be and why? I want to train my dog to fetch beverages from the refrigerator. What you want your dog to know?


If I have trained your dog in the past, drop a picture! I would love to see your baby!

Photo drop time!! Show us a picture of you sweet fur baby!! I'll start. They got their own couch and they are beyond hap...

Photo drop time!! Show us a picture of you sweet fur baby!! I'll start. They got their own couch and they are beyond happy.


Taken from someone else but it is very good info. One thing I have always told owners is if you think it is an emergency, then it is! Always better to be safe than sorry.

“Hi, I’m not really sure if this is an emergency but…”

I hear this statement without fail multiple times a night in the ER. One of the toughest decisions as a pet owner is deciding when to wait something out or when you should pack up the dog, wake up the kids, and cart everyone off to the veterinary emergency room. While there’s never a truly 100% accurate way to gauge that, I figured having a few simple guidelines might be beneficial!

1. If it happened to a human toddler, would you seek emergency care? If your two year old, two legged child swallowed a battery, cut off a finger, or had vomited 27 times, and you wouldn’t hesitate to get to the human ER, it probably goes without saying your pet should do the same.

2. There’s blood coming from just about anywhere. Noses, ears, vomit, f***s, urine, you get the idea. Blood = needing a doctor sooner rather than later. Our exception here might be a broken nail, but even then if you can’t get the bleeding to stop, let’s head to the ER.

3. Seizures. (No explanation needed, just go)

4. Pet ingested something toxic, or you’re just not sure? Pet Poison Control exists, y’all, and it is a literal life saver. (800-213-6680) They’ll let you know whether or not you need to head in.

5. Your pet just “isn’t quite themself” but you can’t put your finger on way exactly? Go. Just go. Sometimes the simple little things can be the biggest red flags, and you know your baby better than anyone.

The bottom line is, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. We won’t know if it’s a true emergency until a doctor puts their hands on your pet. I know I would much rather see a healthy pet and alleviate your fears than hear you say “I just wish we had gotten here sooner.”

Lastly, because I know the ER isn’t cheap, believe me. Pet insurance that covers emergency visits is a great way to minimize the stress of unforeseen visits, and if you just really aren’t sure if you’re overreacting, give your local emergency room a call and chat with a staff member there. Even if they can’t give you a guarantee, talking through your concerns with a professional may be what you need to calm your fears.

Anything I missed? Share with the class 👇🏼


Everyone meet the most handsome Burrito you will ever meet!! This sweet boy is with us for our board and train! His new years resolution is to be a good dog! And we will help him reach his goal by the new year!!

Kennel training is one of the MOST responsible things you can do with your dog. The only thing that gives your dog a fig...

Kennel training is one of the MOST responsible things you can do with your dog.

The only thing that gives your dog a fighting chance of surviving a major car accident like this is their travel kennel.

You have a family emergency and they need to board? They need kenneling skills to reduce stress on them.

Your dogs gets into a serious injury or has a major illness? They may have to kennel for recovery. It makes it so much more scary and stressful for them if this is their only introduction to a kennel.

Separation anxiety? Kennel training and learned coping skills to self-soothe on their own building security and confidence.

Potty training? Kennel training and a good schedule makes this a breeze!

Your dog is nervous and needs their OWN safe space that is theirs and theirs alone when company comes over? The kennel is their room, their den that no one is allowed to bother them in. It’s their safe space.

Kenneling is a skill a dog needs to know for their well-being, heath, mental fortitude and safety.

Just because your dog is kennel trained, doesn't mean you have to keep them in their. All of mine are kennel trained but they sleep with me at night. Kennel training relieves stress.

Edit: this is not my car or my original picture. It is just a statement piece to capture the attention and shed light on the importance of this subject.

Had the pups out with us for Halloween! Love that our dogs can be with us any and everywhere! Even as other dogs came by...

Had the pups out with us for Halloween! Love that our dogs can be with us any and everywhere! Even as other dogs came by, mine knew to stay where they were. Are you ready to take that step with your dog?


Amen. 🙌🙌🙌


Such good information from a fellow dog trainer.


•Pet your dog, all the time
•Talk to your dog, all the time
•Allow your dog to follow you, all the time
•Allow your dog to be on your lap or laying on your feet, all the time
•Pet, soothe, comfort your dog when it whines or barks for attention...or is simply anxious
•Allow your dog to demand affection/interactions
•Be emotionally dependent on your dog
•Allow your dog to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants
•Provide no structure or rules
•Refuse to crate train your dog
•Refuse to correct your dog when inappropriate behavior occurs
•Refuse to train your dog to be calm, relaxed, and independent by using a “Place” command, and/or “away” time in the crate
•Allow you and your home to be a free-for-all, where your dog has zero leadership and guidance
•Let your dog out of the crate when it whines or barks
•Avoid training or anything that makes your dog uncomfortable or unhappy
•And many, many more...

Basically, baby, soothe, allow, enable, lean on, and create a toxic dependency...so when you leave, your dog is a mess, because you haven’t prepared them to be strong, resilient, robust, independent, and alone.


Fort Worth, TX

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm


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