We have a great list of freshwater fish that came in this week. Lots of angelfish, cardinal tetras are bright and colorful. Check out the plecos at the bottom of the list. Got in some really nice fancy plecos. Haven’t seen them on the list in awhile.
Marble Hatchet
Mixed Angel s/m
Mixed Angel Veiltail s/m
Panda Angel m/l
Koi Angel med
Marble Angel M/L
Cardinal Tetra
Otocinclus Brazil lg
Millineum Rainbow m/l
Turquoise Rainbow M/L
Emerald Rainbow m/l
Fantail Goldfish
Guppy Female Mix
Guppy Male Snakeskin Green m/l
Peacock Bass Pinima 2.5”
Betta Male Veiltail
Albino Paradise Gourami
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami Male
Red Honey Gourami
Cherry Barb Male
Stone Catfish
Wotroi Corydoras
Ikola Kaiser Tropheus Moorii Cichlid
Jack Dempsey Cichlid Med
🐟Festae Red Terror Cichlid 🐠
German Blue Ram Cichlid
Jaguar Managuense Cichlid
Escondido Carpintis Cichlid
Longfin Zebra Danio
Feeder Rosy Red
Bumblebee Goby
Assorted Oranda Goldfish Med
Red Cap Oranda Goldfish Med
Assorted Lionhead Ranchu Goldfish Med
Daisy Ricefish Killie
Platinum White Japanese Rice Fish
Scarlet Endler's Live Bearer Male
Dalmatian Sailin Molly Pair
Tangerine Lyretail Molly
Green Sailfin Molly Pair
Green Swordtail
African Mudskipper
Pink Tail Chalceus Med
Yellowfin Chalceus Med
Emerald Rainbow Lrg
Millennium Rainbow
Gertrudae Aru Il Rainbow
Glolite Tetra
Horned Nerite Snail
Tiger Nerite Snail
Zebra Nerite Snail
Batman Nerite Snail
ReptiFeast® Nightcrawler 12 Ct
Broken Stripe Royal Plec. L191 s/m
Toothnose Sailin Plec. L240 - 3 inch
Spotted Rubberlip Plec. s/m
Plecostomus Common XIg
Blue Eye Lemon Longfin Bristlenose Pleco L144a
Acanticus Adonis Pleco L 155 Sml
Blue Phantom Pleco L128 Reg
Emperor Pleco L204 Reg
Orange Seam Pleco L106 Reg
Para Pleco L075 Reg
Polka Dot Pleco L201 Reg
Mega Clown Pleco L340 Reg
Staghorn Bristlenose LDA72
PLECO-L024 (RED FIN CACTUS - SUPER RED) (9-12”) beautiful!
PLECO-L024 (RED FIN CACTUS - SUPER RED) (13-15”) huge and awesome looking!
L333 Albino King Tiger
L134 - Leopard frog - clean lines
L273 High contrast - red titanic pleco (very nice patterns)