It's HOT outside! The thermometer in my backyard said 108*f today.
Let's talk about watering your garden. What time of day do you water your garden?
The rule is always water your garden when the sun isn't shining. This helps prevent sunscald on your plants. Sunscald is damage to the leaves because the sun burned them after being magnified through the water droplets. Damaged plants are stressed. Stressed plants are more likely to be attacked by pests. Protect your plants by watering after the sun goes down!
I personally water my garden several times a week, with a sprinkler, for about an hour. I like to give my plants a good deep soaking. As the summer goes on the frequency of watering will increase to daily.
Below is a picture of some of our peppers in gallon pots that are being bottom watered. That just means that the pot is setting in a tray of water and is soaking it up from the bottom. This is a great way to encourage deep roots.