Happy New Year from APS! Our office will be closed from December 31, 12:00 p.m. CT, through January 1. Normal office hours resume on January 2nd. Have a safe holiday!
Abuse Prevention Systems has partnered with organizations of all sizes across 6 continents to help protect children and those who serve them. Learn more at AbusePreventionSystems.com.
Sexual abuse prevention: AWARENESS is the KEY!
Check out our FREE resources available throughout the month of April at www.abusepreventionsystems.com/April
At Abuse Prevention Systems, child protection is our daily mission. To honor Child Abuse Prevention Month, we are giving away FREE resources to equip YOU to protect children and PREVENT child sexual abuse.
Check out our FREE resources available throughout the month of April at http://abusepreventionsystems.com/April
As 2022 comes to a close, check out our 'Snapshot Archive' feature!
As Gregory Love explains in this video, it is important to get a record of your safety efforts.
The Snapshot Archive feature creates a ‘snapshot’ of your Control Panel that memorializes your organization's efforts on that day.
The system then creates an electronic library of the ‘snapshots’ taken over time.
This creates a preserved record of your safety efforts if a circumstance arises in the future requiring a look back.
Snapshot Archive is a feature found in our Control Panel, the online framework for our 5-Part Safety System.
To learn about more features or become a Member, click the link below!
During Child Abuse Prevention Month this year, we want to help equip parents. Our new two-part Parent Training is designed to help parents better understand what they can do to protect their children from sexual abuse.
During the entire month of April, we are making our Parent Training FREE for everyone! Visit AbusePreventionSystems.com/April to access this Training and other available resources.
#abuseprevention #april2022 #parenttraining #childprotection #freetraining