My EPIC Dog - Human and Dog Training

My EPIC Dog - Human and Dog Training Want a better behaved dog? We help you get your dream dog! Visit


Pebble is working on meeting and greeting a new person in a calm and mannered way without any jumping.

I love how she is checking in with her “momma”!!

Awesome, you two! Fabulous job! 😘 🐶 👏

What have you been doing lately with your pup(s)?Spring is our favorite time as we enjoy to watch nature waking up while...

What have you been doing lately with your pup(s)?

Spring is our favorite time as we enjoy to watch nature waking up while the temperatures allow for pleasant outside time (not too cold and not too warm).

So, hiking is one of our favorite activities. And it is most fun with well-trained dogs as it allows for a lot of freedom without worries.

Do you enjoy hiking, too, or what are you up to with your dog?

It’s World Compliment Day today and our compliment goes out to everyone who has ever helped an animal ♥️ and in particul...

It’s World Compliment Day today and our compliment goes out to everyone who has ever helped an animal ♥️ and in particular to our wonderful clients who are working on being the best dog owners for their pups and therefore giving their dogs the help and training they not only need but also deserve.
You are awesome! Your dogs love you and we appreciate you tons!! 💕 🐕 👏

Is anyone missing their dog? This little guy is running around Saddle Hills Frisbee Golf Park in White Settlement and is...

Is anyone missing their dog? This little guy is running around Saddle Hills Frisbee Golf Park in White Settlement and is obviously lost and scared. He doesn’t come any closer and is running away if I try to walk towards him. So I can’t catch him, unfortunately.
If you’re missing your white little friend or know someone who is, please go to the park and help him .

Tip  #2 – Let’s counteract reactivity out of insecurity with some positive experiences. If you missed our previous posts...

Tip #2 – Let’s counteract reactivity out of insecurity with some positive experiences. If you missed our previous posts about this topic, just scroll back a little 😉

To overcome challenges, we might have to leave our comfort zone, and this is not different for our dogs. But we want to play this as safe as we can so that it is very likely for our pup to have a great experience that can help them to see strangers approaching as something good rather than a potential threat.

When somebody tries to approach your insecure pup, ask them to stay a little back at first, so that your pup doesn’t feel overwhelmed. Ask the person, especially for a small size dog, to go down to their level so that they don’t appear as tall and therefore less intimidating.

It is also a good idea to let the dogs decide if they want to go over and meet the new person instead of forcing them to. And if they don’t want to, they are not ready for it and that is fine.

You can offer the person a few of your pup’s favorite treats and ask them to wait and see if your dog is ready to approach them and would like to take the treats. If your dog is ready, he will walk over and might want to sniff and take the treats.

Some pups might then be ready to be petted but others are not. So, again, let your dog decide. If he is backing away, it might be too soon. So, it is best to refrain from petting. As we want to build trust and confidence, we want to go with the pace of our dog as this will help him to have a positive experience and will help to progress. 😊

If he is sticking around and seems relaxed, he could be fine for some gentle pets on the cheeks or under the chin or alongside the body. Do not reach over the head as most dogs do not like that and it could be considered a threat, especially by an insecure dog.

Try to set up situations like that in a way that you can be prepared and help your pup out as much as possible, for example when going to a park or trail. I suggest having family members in disguise be the first “new” persons to approach your dog so that there will be a positive surprise effect for you pup 😊

So, how can we help sweet Oshi from our last post and other dogs not bark at people when getting approached?Tip  #1By ge...

So, how can we help sweet Oshi from our last post and other dogs not bark at people when getting approached?

Tip #1

By getting them to feel better and more secure. In most of the cases I have seen so far, the reason why these dogs react with barking, growling, lunging, or trying to get away/backing up is that they don’t feel comfortable, not safe but rather insecure.

So, we want other people to seem less like a threat to our sensitive pups. And here is tip #1 for you:

Keep others at a distance. Use a harness with a writing such as “Do not pet”, “Dog in training”, “Fearful dog”, “Give me some space” or whatever else you can think of to avoid challenging situations and make them less awkward for everyone. Most importantly, it can help to keep your insecure pup in their comfort zone.

There is no good in exposing them to people if we can’t be sure of a positive experience for our pup. Situations they find unpleasant carry the potential to make their behavior worse as it will reassure them that people looking and approaching are not trustworthy and that it is simply not safe. So, their reactivity and barking could get worse.

Tip #2 is about helping sensitive pups to get out of their comfort zone, so stay tuned for our next post.


She is so darn cute that people would love to meet her. But guess what. She is not having it… 😉

Oshi, the cute little puppy in the video, is backing up and barking at the girl who is looking at her and walking towards her.

That she is backing up gives us a good clue that Oshi is feeling uncomfortable, insecure, and possibly even threatened.

For many dogs, it is too much when people approach and look at them and when they feel as if they are the center of attention. This is especially true for insecure and sensitive dogs.

They might be overchallenged with a stranger or unfamiliar person making eye contact with them, especially when the person is coming closer at the same time. Being approached can be even more off-putting for a small dog, even seem like a threat, simply because of the size difference.

Oshi, the pup in the video, is completely fine with other people walking close to her and coming towards her as long as they don’t pay attention to her specifically. I have seen this behavior in many dogs, mostly clients’ dogs, but also one of my earlier dogs, Kimba, who came from a bad background.

There can be several reasons why a dog is struggling in these situations. For example, it could be:

-a lack of experience
-a lack of positive experience
-the genetic background
-an actual trait of the breed or a trait of their very own and unique personality
-how they grew up …

Sometimes we can’t tell exactly why a dog is struggling but one thing is clear and that is that they need some help. And they should get the help they need to feel better so that they can behave better 😊

Let’s look at what we can do for our sweet but insecure puppers next time so that this post won’t get too long… 😉 stay tuned.


Can you read your dog’s body language and behavior?

What is this pup telling us?


Sweet Rottweiler pup Pebble has advanced to some amazing leash walking skills in her neighborhood and that in a super short amount of time! 😊 🐶

It’s always so important to solidify the basics and then advance at the pace of your dog.

She is now ready to work on socialization in new places and with different kinds of distractions.

Well done 👏 you two! Keep it going!


Laying the foundation for great leash walking skills and listening skills:

We’re practicing inside with a limited amount of distraction at first, so that our sweet girl Pebble can understand and learn what we would like for her to do before we train the same outside.

The inside distraction is mainly provided by her furry brother Rock-o, who goes through training as well.

Pebble and her human are doing a fantastic job so far - I can tell they have practiced and done their homework as I can see how nicely Pebble is able to focus on her momma while walking with her 👏 it looks beautiful 😍

Quick tips for making it through the holidays with your pup:Tip  #1 - Get your dog a good amount of physical exerciseTip...

Quick tips for making it through the holidays with your pup:

Tip #1 - Get your dog a good amount of physical exercise

Tip #2 - Get your dog’s brain worked

Tip #3 - Be aware of holiday hazards in and around your house such as decorations

Tip #4 – Do NOT feed your dog human food and make sure he is not able to get ahold of it

Tip #5 - Be prepared for an emergency the best you can and have your vet’s and even better, your closest 24/7 emergency clinic’s contact info close by

Tip #6 - Manage your dog’s environment: if your dog is easily challenged by people coming over to visit, think about how you can make it easier for him and prepare accordingly

Tip #7 - Prepare your dog for the (next) holidays with the right kind of training: we have helped so many dog owners and their pups enjoy exciting times vs. it being a struggle and we’re here to help you, too. Just reach out to us.

Merry Christmas 🎄

We had a lot of fun at an elementary school today! We were invited to present at their career day and as usual we were h...

We had a lot of fun at an elementary school today!

We were invited to present at their career day and as usual we were happy to be there.

It’s always so much fun to interact with the students and see how excited they are to have some furry visitors in their classrooms.

It’s such a great idea for schools to offer this opportunity to their students and that’s why we like to help out, too.

We also offer Dog Safety Classes for schools as we know there’s a high demand for both children and adults to learn how to be safe around our beloved four-legged friends.

If your school is interested in a service like that, please don’t hesitate to let us know 🙂

I’m curious - what’s your biggest struggle with your dog?I’d love to hear from you!*** Have a wonderful weekend! ***

I’m curious - what’s your biggest struggle with your dog?

I’d love to hear from you!

*** Have a wonderful weekend! ***


My sweet big friend Oso had his last session where we focused on adding dogs in as a distraction while testing his focus on his owner, self-control and listening skills (see video).

Additionally to the set up training session with my pups, we had a lot of really good real-life situations come up: a few people (men) walking by as well as someone with a slightly reactive dog, dogs barking behind fences, the garbage truck making a lot of noise and such.

It can be challenging for a dog to keep their calm when someone not far away from them struggles with their own temperament 😉 and men have been a tough challenge for Oso in the past.

Therefore, I was thrilled to see that Oso has progressed immensely throughout his training and was handling everything very well, especially the situation with the passerby men and reactive dog.

Congrats to this sweet boy and his family for doing such a fantastic job! I loved working with you and will miss you!

Y’all have a great future together! 😃 🐶

Sweet Husky Jester and her humans graduated from their training program! 🥳 It was a great idea of her humans to get trai...

Sweet Husky Jester and her humans graduated from their training program! 🥳

It was a great idea of her humans to get training started at an early age so that we could counteract her stealing things, keeping away with them and showing aggression when her humans wanted to get ahold of the stolen objects before it became an ingrained habit that’s harder to retrain.

Our “The Puppy Basics” Program taught her self-control along with additional useful skills and showed her owners how to set Jester up for success.

Jester is now fine with sharing her toys and not eating everything just because she would like to.

Self-control is awesome!

Congrats to you all! You’ve done a fantastic job! 👏 Keep it up!

Let’s celebrate 🎉 the cooler temperatures! Finally it’s possible to be outside and enjoy it!We’re looking forward to bei...

Let’s celebrate 🎉 the cooler temperatures! Finally it’s possible to be outside and enjoy it!

We’re looking forward to being more active again and practicing with my clients and their pups outdoors to improve challenges with leash walking and listening with distractions.

If your pup needs help in this area, too, please let me know. I’m happy to help! 😊 🐕

It’s been such a rewarding and fun week with my clients and their pups - new clients as well as clients who are close to...

It’s been such a rewarding and fun week with my clients and their pups - new clients as well as clients who are close to completing their programs and graduating!

Thank you to all of you for valuing your pup and giving them the training they deserve! You are amazing! 😘

And now, onto some quality time with my pups because they are the best and deserve some attention from their human mom 😉

Happy Labor Day weekend y’all!


These two made my day yesterday! 😀

We practiced along Magnolia Avenue and Oso did so well!
He wasn’t overwhelmed anymore, therefore more confident and settled, he was fine with people passing and also didn’t really pay attention to a dog. And he did great with his focus, leash walking and listening skills!

His owner has done such a fantastic job with him! I’m so happy for them and proud of them! ♥️ 🐶
It was really a joy and pleasure to work with them! 🤗


Did you know that…

…your dog’s performance, aka listening skills, hugely depend on clarity, the clarity of your communication with your dog?

Is it always clear to him when he is supposed to do something certain and what he is supposed to do?

Is it really clear to him for long he is supposed to do it? Just think about it.

Do you use short and precise commands? Or do you wrap whatever you want your dog to do into a phrase or even a whole sentence like we humans do when talking with each other?

Do you always use the same command for the same skill? Or are you ok with your dog laying down when you say sit or him sitting when you said to lay down?

Do you clearly tell your dog when he is allowed to walk away from a sit stay or down stay? Or are you just fine noticing that he sometimes decides himself when he’s done?

A lot of dog owners complain to me that their dog is only listening when he wants to or that he’s not always doing it properly. Are you familiar with this, too?

If you have the feeling that the communication with your dog is going only one way, towards him, but he’s not really reacting the way you thought he should, this is most likely due to you not providing clear enough instructions for him.

Since your expectations aren’t clearly expressed, your dog finds himself in the position to decide on his own. And so he’ll do.

This is a challenge that many dog owners and their pups struggle with. Are you one of them?
Please let me know in the comments.

Happy weekend! 🤗🐶

Happy weekend! 🤗🐶


Meet Pretzel 🥨 and Peaches 🍑

These are two of my new students and they are so sweet!

They’re struggling with pulling on the leash, getting distracted and too excited to see people and other dogs on walks. So, barking and lunging is a challenge as well as jumping on visitors because they’re so happy to greet them. Additionally, one of them suffers from separation anxiety.

Right now, we’re working on the pups being able to focus on their owner with their fur sibling around and also when distractions are added in bit by bit.

A lack of focus and self control is often the reason for challenges with our beloved fur friends, especially when it comes to them being impulsive or reactive.

Your dog struggles with similar symptoms? We can help him out, too. Just reach out to us.


Celebrate 🎉 one of our graduates 🎓 with us!
Bandit and his owner made fantastic progress and successfully overcame several of his behavior challenges.

Bandit would dart out the door, be too hyper to be around in the house and was therefore spending more time in his crate than his owner wanted it to be; his hyperactivity led to a lack of focus and listening.

Look at his amazing stay at the door now! 🥳 👏

His owner did such a wonderful job following through with his training! I’m proud of them. And I am so happy for them to be more connected now and that they can enjoy Bandit as a family dog that is easier to have around than before 😊 🐕

All the best for you! I’ll miss you!

Even though my post is late, I didn’t forget about our sweet pups! (Was just distracted and too lazy to post.)Happy bela...

Even though my post is late, I didn’t forget about our sweet pups! (Was just distracted and too lazy to post.)
Happy belated birthday to Merlot’s brother Shiraz and sister Taryn! Unbelievable that they’re already 6 years old!!!

This wonderful girl turned 6 years! Already last weekend and I hoped to take some great pictures but the trails we wante...

This wonderful girl turned 6 years! Already last weekend and I hoped to take some great pictures but the trails we wanted to go for hiking were closed and so we didn’t get a chance for great birthday pics.
Nevertheless, we were celebrating with great food to honor this sweet girl. 🥳 🐾 🐶 ♥️
Unbelievable that she’s already 6 years old! I hope that she’ll be with us for a long, long time!
Thank you, Melinda and Lori, for this awesome pup!

Everybody out there, love and honor your furry family members!

Happy weekend!

Happy weekend!

As often as possible, do not go back into the house directly after your pup went to go potty outside. This also applies ...

As often as possible, do not go back into the house directly after your pup went to go potty outside. This also applies to walks - do not turn around to go back home directly after your puppy did their business.

Dogs will learn that as soon as they went to the restroom you’ll turn around and the outside time is over.
If they’re not really interested in going back home and would rather be outside, they might drag out doing their business to get to stay outside for longer.

Sometimes isn’t much time to hang out outside but as often as you can, let your puppy do something else outside after she did her job even if it is only sniffing at one spot.
You can also give your pup a treat or pet her for a moment before going back inside.

Know your puppy’s cues? They can be very unremarkable. As you both get to know each other, watch your puppy closely and ...

Know your puppy’s cues?

They can be very unremarkable.

As you both get to know each other, watch your puppy closely and you’ll get an idea of how they’ll alert you that they have to do their business.

Cues can be but are not limited to the following:

-Stopping what they were just doing (for example playing)

-Disengaging from you


-Looking at you (from distance) or at the door

-Walking to you or the door or equipment you use to take them out (harness/collar/leash)


So, how is your pup signaling you that it’s time for a potty break?

Quick tip to help avoid potty training accidents:Don’t let a young pup that doesn’t know how to alert you yet, be out of...

Quick tip to help avoid potty training accidents:

Don’t let a young pup that doesn’t know how to alert you yet, be out of sight, especially not if they didn’t just go potty.

Have your puppy in a certain area like an exercise pen or a crate or on leash so that you know where your fur baby is at.

With your pup on leash, you will recognize more easily when they have to go and can take them out quickly or even proactively so that you can offer to relieve themselves outside.

In case an accident did happen, it is at least where you’ll notice it quickly so that you can clean it up shortly after it happened.

If you catch your pup in the act, you can also quickly grab them and move them outside to signal them that their business is supposed to be taken care of outside.

The girls and I found this beautiful little flower on our walk this morning.Since nature’s beauty always amazed me and l...

The girls and I found this beautiful little flower on our walk this morning.

Since nature’s beauty always amazed me and lightens my spirit, I wanted to pass it on to you so that it can do the same for you ♥️

This is one of the reasons why I love to have dogs - they make me go out into nature and connect with it which helps me enjoy life and relax and also helps me deal with stress.

And yes, I’m not gonna lie - it is indeed even more enjoyable and more relaxing to do this with a well trained dog because I can have more freedom (and so can my dogs).

Have a wonderful weekend 😘🐶

One more note on water and food management when it comes to potty training:Make sure you have at least 1-2 hours time be...

One more note on water and food management when it comes to potty training:

Make sure you have at least 1-2 hours time between last water and/or food intake and you leaving your little one unsupervised.

So, before nighttime 2 hours and at least 1-2 hours during day depending on how long you’re gone or the level of potty training your pup is at.

1-2 hours should give your pup’s body enough time to process so that they can relieve themselves before they are supposed to rest or be alone.

So, definitely make sure that you take your fur baby out before they are unsupervised.


208 Ralph Street
Fort Worth, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8am - 5:30pm




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