Last night at Bone Voyage Pet Resort
The past couple Saturdays Bone Voyage Pet Resort.
Saturday Group Class at Bone Voyage Pet Resort
Saturday at Bone Voyage Pet Resort
Last night at Bone Voyage Pet Resort Finally...the solo Rosie video I’ve promised.
Off leash heeling was our main focus for Rosie
When they’re working hard, they work very, very hard & when they’re not, they’re goofy 🐾❤️🐾 Seems like each time I had the camera handy I caught mostly ‘out take material’. These dogs are all very smart, none are lacking a sense of humor.
At Bone Voyage Pet Resort
Sorry we haven’t posted much lately - get too busy to record sometimes.❤️🐾❤️
We’ve been busy for the past few months and haven’t done much video-wise. Here’s Winston from last night - he just turned 5 months old! Next week, we’ll devote an entire video to Rosie!
Saturday at BoneVoyage Pet Resort
Remember little Bono, the rescue Dachshund I met two weeks ago? Here he is yesterday - he's mastered sit and drop it and is learning place to try to curb his enthusiasm just a tad 😁. Self control will help Bono learn to pay attention to his humans. Bono likes to bark enthusiastically when his people walk in the front door - like many dogs, he'll do it each time they walk in, so we worked on that too. Bono is a delightful and very sweet boy😍
Rescuing Rocks! Every human is an individual, dogs are no different. Meet Bono, a 4 year old miniature dachshund 🐾❤️ Bono was with his new family for 4 days when I met him. He was really scared his first day, he seemed distant, sad, unsure of what to do with himself, leery of men and he'd never been on a leash. His new family understands that Bono needs time to adjust, so they've been patient when he's had accidents (only a couple) He hadn't been house trained prior, but in just 4 days, little Bono is figuring it out! Each day, Bono has come a little further out of his shell. He's found his voice and alerts his new family when he perceives trouble on the horizon (people passing by their home) so we discussed ways of limiting his vocalizing by redirecting Bono, by giving him a 'job' to do. Bono isn't food motivated, but he loves toys! Bono doesn't know any obedience commands and is still slightly uneasy when being approached - he backs up - this will pass in a fairly short time. We taught Bono how to place his toy in a basket in order to get the reward of having it tossed for him to retrieve again. He caught on fast! As you can see, he had a blast! Play is a great way to introduce dogs to obedience. It works with young and old, outgoing, or leery. Once they learn to play and communicate through having fun, they will associate all learning with fun.
Next week Bono should be settled in nicely and even more secure and we'll get him learning his basic commands, I'm thinking he's a diamond in the rough, he's going to polish up beautifully!
Here's just a peek at what we did on Saturday. New phone, new apps / I'll get more next week! Tonka & Ace are so cute! We reviewed Sit/Down/Place/Stay & introduced Leave it/Wait...then we jumped through the's a confidence building exercise that's just plain fun!
Last night at Bone Voyage Pet Resort, Daphne from Underdog Ranch Pet Adoptions, showed what she's learned in just 4 weeks! She's cute, sweet & amazing! And...she's ready for adoption! Check her out! Please feel free to share this to help find the wonderful forever home Daphne so deserves❤🐾❤ (with approved applications, Underdog Ranch will adopt to out of state residents)
Last night at Bone Voyage Pet Resort: Cali, Daphne, Panzer & Fenway!
Tonight at Bone Voyage Pet Resort - Bingen, Cali, Daphne & Panzer!
Today at Bone Voyage Pet Resort!
Last Night At Bone Voyage Pet Resort
Last night at Bone Voyage Pet Resort
Wally & Pumpkin!
Saturday at Bone Voyage Pet Resort
This is 'Kimber' - a 5 month old Pitbull. She's a beautiful shade of a silvery-mauve and looks like she's wearing pink eyeliner and lip liner. The video doesn't do her justice. Kimber is on Week 2 of 7, she's very smart! Here, we have her off leash, going from 'place' to 'place', working on her SIT/STAY command. A 10 second duration with her owners back turned is a challenge Kimber was up for! WTG Kimber!❤️🐾
I'll have to capture more of her next weekend.