Meet Skeeter, she is a 3/4 Faux French. She is 9 mths old . She was born or shortly after with a left back leg problem. We had to wait till she was older for good xrays to see what problem was. She was spayed and xrays done. Our vet couldn't see anything that should be causing a problem. Hip and knee look fine. Possible contorted tendon. Options were to leave it alone or amputate leg. She does not have any pain and even though leg is stiff she can out run everyone else. So we chose to let it be. We would love to find her a loving home so she can get lots of attention. I've been working on lease training , she is doing good with that. Healthy other than leg. Small rehoming fee. Call/text Connie if interested. 919-915-6720 She is slight brindle in color.