A few years ago, there was a trend on social media where cat owners chased their cats around their house with their artificial Christmas Tree to "Terrorize" their cat and make them afraid of the tree.
We're here to tell you that Cats are 100% trainable, but they do not learn from fear. They learn from positive reinforcement! Chasing your cat with your Christmas tree is not positive reinforcement, and instead, is breaking the trust your cat has in you.
We have ALL the tips for you on how to keep your cat away from your cat tree WITHOUT scaring them. Not only that, but we also have all the tips on how to train your cat to not do something! You can use these tips to train your cat to stay off tabletops and counters, stop scratching the Lazy-Boy, or leave your babies toys alone too!
For Christmas trees, there are a few things you can do! First I recommend a S**t Mat! If you can't afford a S**t Mat, I would recommend making your own by using Aluminum foil! You can also try either slices of fresh citrus hung around the base of your tree that you can refresh every few days, or mixing a few drops of citrus essential oil with water in a spray bottle to spray around the base of your tree. Most cats dislike the scent of citrus, and this can help deter them from the tree! If your cat does like Citrus, you can mix a little white vinegar with water in the spray bottle instead!
When it comes to helping the tree stay standing and away from climbers, set yourself up for success in the beginning. Get a Heavy tree stand, or add weights to your light tree stand. Place your tree against a wall and use a thin wire or fishing line from the wall to your tree to help it stay standing. Remove any launching zones (like cat trees, tables, chairs etc.) away from the tree, so your cat can't launch themselves from the couch to the middle of your tree. And be sure when you're decorating, your keeping your fur baby in mind! Breakable ornaments at the top, away from batting paws. Items that aren't breakable at the bottom, just in case they get batted at or removed from the tree. Avoid using Tinsel (if ingested by your cat, can cause a fatal blockage. Needs to be surgically removed by a vet asap if eaten)
Moving to the second graphic, about how to train your cat. the biggest take away from this is that your cat does NOT learn from punishment, and only learns from positive reinforcements. Your cat will not understand that the reason you just squirted them with water or yelled at them is because the action they were doing is not desired. All they see is all of the sudden, you're yelling at them or squirting them with water. Yes, they stop the behavior, but they stop the behavior not because you taught them not to do it, but because you scared them and they were running away from YOU. Spraying your cat with water or yelling at them doesn't teach them to stop the behavior, but teaches them to begin to fear you, because they don't know when you're going to yell or spray them with water again. Also, they may continue the behavior when you're not around to spray them with the water. Instead, try using positive reinforcements! If the issue is your cat climbing the tree, give them a place they are allowed to climb instead (a cat tree perhaps?!) Put it somewhere they will love (move it by the window for the holidays maybe? A new location make the cat tree more exciting and they might forget about the Christmas tree.) and start praising your cat with affection, attention and treats when they’re climbing the cat tree instead of the tree. If your cat goes to climb the tree, sternly (but not mean or yelling.) say “No,” Kindly pick your cat up, bring them over to the place they are allowed to climb, put them on the cat tree, and then give them praise for being on the tree instead. And when I say Praise, I mean act like your cat just won the Nobel Prize- P R A I S E them. Make a BIG deal, every time. After repeating this process a few times, your cat is going to start to realize “when I do this, the human brings me over here instead and then gives me treats for doing that over here. Maybe I’ll just do that over here instead so I can get treats.” The KEY is to make sure you continue praising them so they don’t go back to the bad behavior.
I know this was a long post. I’m trying to give you all the tips and tricks so no matter what you try, you will find a solution. We know that fear doesn't train our cats to do anything but be afraid of us so don’t try to teach your cat behaviors by installing fear or punishment in them, because they will not comprehend why you are punishing them or scaring them. Use treats, attention, wet food and love as positive reinforcements, and you will see results!
I really hope this information is useful! Have a happy and safe holiday season!