Welcome Walter to the Vetmoment's family! He is sweet , goofy and so cuddly! Can not wait to watch him grow!
#fearfreevetvisit #animalovers #puppylove #nashvilletn #kidsandpets #puppy #musiccitynashville #vetvisitscanbefun #DrJ #petlovers #vetmoment #tennesseehousecallvet #tennesseemobilevet #franklintnveterinarian
Does your 17 years old kitty feel and move so comfortably and fast ? If you are not sure contact us for consultation and veterinary advise at the comfort of your home. We would be happy to help: or 615.945.3155
#seniorcats #july2024 #musiccitynashville #vetvisit #nashvilletn #williamsoncountytn #franklintnveterinarian #westhaventn #tennesseemobilevet #vetvisitscanbefun #petcaretips #July #tennesseehousecallvet #petwellness #vetmoment #musiccitylife #fearfreevetvisit #franklintnmoms #seniorpetcare
Healthy pets and house call veterinary care
If you have heared people say their pets are "slowing down " because they are getting older you must see this video of Kiki and try to guess her age. We have an amazing tools in veterinary medicine today to keep our patients in the best shape they can be and to help them stay happy and healthy much longer than we were able to in the past.
#april2024 #petcare #petwellness #humananimalbond #fearfreevetvisit #vetmoment #spring #DRJ #tennesseelife #tennesseehousecallvet #petnutrition #franklintnmoms #spring2024 #Tennessee #williamsoncountytn #healthypets #westhaventn #Microchipping #franklinmobilevet #factoryoffranklin #catoftheday #catlove #wellness
This guy left us in peace and dignity surrounded by those he loved the most! He lived his life on his own terms, protected and loved his people to the end and is now continuing to do it from above. He moved with mom and dad, raised 3 kids with them and never left their site. You will be missed big boy! Run freely with your sister now!
#peaceful #spring2024 #pethospicefranklintn #Tennessee #vetmoment #humananimalbond #franklinmobilevet #tennesseemobilevet #DRJ #athomeeuthansia #spring #peteuthanasia #williamsoncountytn #westhaventn #tennesseehousecallvet #tennesseelife #petwellness
Saying Good Bye is one of the hardest things to do as a pet parent. This handsome boy lost the battle with cancer and joined the pet angel family way too soon! He loved his family big and will be missed by all.
#pethospicefranklintn #tennesseehousecallvet #tennesseemobilevet #franklinmobilevet #Tennessee #williamsoncountytn #westhaventn #vetmoment #peteuthanasia #athomepeteuthanasia #peaceandlove