Happy new year students and families! Hope you all have enjoyed the holiday and the recent snow. We are still digging out but horses dogs and barn kitties are doing fine.
Tuesday lessons will be inside the house (all group) from 6-6:45. We will be learning about saddles as well as give them a much needed cleaning and conditioning. You’ll learn saddle parts and the function of the parts as well as the importance of maintenance. AND..if anyone would like to stay and help muck the arena (aka pick up p**p) there’s a lot of it and I’d love the help! Sonny and little man are in the arena and have enjoyed the comforts of the shelter. Dress accordingly if you plan to help with the scooping. 😄
Parents, park close to the house and hopefully you’ll see where to walk to the porch. I have a small path shoveled out. Parents can drop off or feel free to come inside the house. I’d sure appreciate a reply on who will be here. Thank you! Hope to see you tomorrow.