In February we celebrate Dental Health Month! Here's a few facts about your pets dental health that we think you should know.
🐶 What is dental disease? Dental disease in pets, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection and inflammation of the gums, teeth, and jawbone.
🐱Dental disease is common: By age 3, 80% of dogs have dental disease. Dental disease can cause pain and discomfort
🐶Bad breath is NOT normal: Bad breath can be a sign of dental disease
🐱Dental cleanings can make your pet feel better: Dental disease could be causing your pet pain and you may not know.
🐶Pet dental care is similar to humans: Dental care for pets includes exams, x-rays, and cleaning
🐱Radiographs: Dogs and cats teeth are like icebergs, and we need to x-rays to be able to see any disease below the gumline.
If you think you pet could use a dental cleaning, make sure to ask us to grade your pet's teeth at their next visit. For established clients, with updated annual exams we offer free dental exams, where we will grade your pet's teeth and answer any dental related questions you may have.