Breshike Foster Tails

Breshike Foster Tails We are a small family with a BIG passion for fostering animals in need!

Dazed and confused is probably the best way to describe my mental state approaching the weekend 😅 It was truly one thing...

Dazed and confused is probably the best way to describe my mental state approaching the weekend 😅 It was truly one thing after another throughout the week. The most eventful points being my first gallbladder attack requiring a visit to two different ERs in the middle of the night; finding out one of the rear brake calipers was literally hanging from one car (thank goodness I made it home without issue); and then days later having the one functional car we had left being slammed into when the kids and I were about 1.5 blocks from our house in the neighborhood rendering it not drivable. Hell of a week, I tell ya.... BUT... I sure had something to look forward to...

Friday evening, Luna was officially adopted! The match feels like it was written in the stars. When I met up with Luna and her new family to complete all the paperwork, Luna acted like she didn't even know me. I gotta say, being shrugged off by her was the best feeling, lol. She had brushed off her life in Florida and everything connecting her to it and moved on. I'm beyond happy for her. This girl isn't looking back; she's found her forever love!

Luna had hitched a ride with me and my family up to Virginia after I visited my favorite shelter in a rural town in Florida while on vacation. She had been ditched far too many times in her short life, and I wanted to break that cycle. I'm grateful that
said "yes" when I reached out for rescue support and allowed me to take her in as a foster! I posted her picture for the first time on the 18th, and the next day, I received a message asking for more info. They have a male silver lab that looks uncannily similar to her, and they were drawn in. A few days later, she met them and started her foster-to-adopt placement. The introduction to her new brother was a bit rocky for the first 20 minutes or so, but things simmered down quickly, and I hear that they are BFFs now. Luna has a mom, dad, and 2 girls who are enamored with her, and I can tell Luna feels them the same way about them.

Luna is right where she was always meant to be! Happy Tails, sweet girl!

INCOMING!This is the face if our newest foster who is arriving very shortly. I peeped this cutie through the window of t...


This is the face if our newest foster who is arriving very shortly. I peeped this cutie through the window of the isolation room the day I was picking up Noe at HQ. I messaged that night and said 🙋‍♀️

I can wait to actually meet him!

A couple of weeks ago, we made a late-night drive to central VA to pick up this four-ish month old pup who was sick in the ER with life-threatening parvovirus. He had been surrendered to our friends at Dogs Deserve Better Blue Ridge, who reached out to us to help!

Now known as “Silas,” this pup had a relatively simple treatment and recovery from his illness and has been chilling in post-parvo quarantine for about 10 days since his symptoms disappeared. He has just been freed from quarantine and will be headed to foster care within a few hours! We’re excited to help him on the next step of his journey, and thankful to everyone who helps support our parvo ISO and our work to save these pups!

Y'all. I'm so far behind on posting. I keep thinking, "Today is the day I catch up," and then more stuff happens 😩 I am ...

Y'all. I'm so far behind on posting. I keep thinking, "Today is the day I catch up," and then more stuff happens 😩 I am just checking in to let you know the Breshike Foster world is still kickin'.

We have invited (or received back) four sweet boys into our foster clan this past week, and most of them already have families waiting to meet them. I hope that today is their big day! I want to do better posts about these four boys and give them the spotlight they deserve, but who knows, with the way life is skipping these days, I'm not sure. So here's a quick lineup along with their status (all these boys are being fostered through ):

Vector ~ 6 year old, Dachshund mix, about 12 lbs. Funny little dude. He is very sweet and true to the breed. Loves to snuggle. Dog, cat, and kid friendly. Vector does have a meet-and-greet scheduled this morning 🥳

Galapagos ~ 7.5 year old, Shih Tzu mix (maybe Boston Terrier?) mix, about 12 lbs. This little guy came to SFC, along with 10 others like him, after being saved from a 60+ dog hoarding situation about 1 month ago. He is timid and still learning to socialize, but it's so easy to see what a fantastic pup he is already. Galapagos isn't quite ready for adoption.

Muppet ~ some kind of Doodle about 2.5 years old and 60-ish lbs. GREAT dog! Dog, cat, and kid friendly. Muppet was adopted right before we went out of town a couple of weeks ago. He returned a few days after we got back. It just wasn't the fit we all hoped for. He almost immediately started a foster-to-adopt placement and will be officially adopted later this morning 🥳

Noe ~ 4 month old American Pitbull Terrier. Noe is one of Jalene's puppies that was born here in March. He was also adopted the day before we left for vacation (what was going on that day?!) and was returned a week ago. It sounds like the adopters were just not ready to deal with a puppy. Noe is all fun and love and puppy energy. He is still learning all the things. He will need patience and understanding, as he figures out boundaries and expectations. He's just a baby, after all. Noe has a meet-and-greet this morning with a couple that has been waiting a week to meet him 🥳

Baby Baritone and his sisters are taking applications!

Baby Baritone and his sisters are taking applications!

Floof balls coming at you!!! Run, don’t walk to the website to apply for these cuties! These guys were raised by some amazing bottle feeding fosters over the last 7 weeks, and are about ready to leave the nest. They’re taking applications now and will be ready to go home next weekend!

Check them out and apply today at 🐾

Monday, I told a foster friend that I felt like I was going through bottle baby withdrawal. After I returned home from v...

Monday, I told a foster friend that I felt like I was going through bottle baby withdrawal. After I returned home from vacation, I was waking up in the middle of the night, thinking that I had a hungry foster to feed. My brother always liked to tell me that it only takes 2 weeks to make a habit. Maybe there is something behind that: Can bottle babies become a habit? 🤔

Late Tuesday morning, while at the library with my kids, I received a message from the President and lead medical foster asking if I was available to take a neonate kitten. 'Sure' was my immediate response without really thinking about the details. I didn't have any supplies with me, and I didn't even think about the fact that I'd be traveling again in a couple weeks. I guess I knew I'd be able to pull something together.

This little solo kitten was surrendered to the Spotsy Animal Shelter, I'm not sure of all the details, but he came in with multiple cats and kittens of various ages but he was the only one this young. He was paired up with a mom cat that had much older kittens that needed to be weaned, but luckily, she still had enough milk to keep him going as the shelter looked for a rescue that could help. He was surviving with her help, but not thriving. The shelter allowed me to bundle him up in this blanket, and away we went. (The sweet young mom cat is still weighing heavily on my mind, and I hope to find a way to repay her for saving this kitten's life very soon).

I have named him Fortissimo, Mo for short, which means 'very loud' in the music world. Right now, he does not appreciate being fed formula, and he fights against it with everything his little kitten body possesses (you would be surprised how tenacious a 180g one week old kitten can be). After a few days and a couple tube feeding, I can get him to latch, but not before he screams at me for forcing the rubber and syringe upon him. He is the first kitten that I have had to 'purrito' to bottle feed. Hopefully, we will find our groove soon 😅

Please welcome Fortissimo to the Breshike Foster Crew! He's a little fighter. I'm positive that is what has gotten him so far.

It's been a busy couple of days. I have a lot to tell  you about!Last night, we had fun volunteering at the  Bark in the...

It's been a busy couple of days. I have a lot to tell you about!

Last night, we had fun volunteering at the Bark in the Park event at the table. Originally, we were scheduled to attend with our SPB foster, Luna, but she left the night before to start her foster-to-adopt placement (more on that later). So, I focused on being available to greet interested parties and spread the word about this great rescue that is new to the scene. We all had a fun time, but the highlite was getting to watch this little guy mingle and work the crowd. I just have to tell you about him, even though he isn't one of our fosters. He is quite noteworthy and deserves the help finding his forever home.

This cool little dude is Rolex! He is about 3.5 to 4 months old and about 25-ish pound mixed breed. He isn't expecting to get much bigger, making Rolex the perfect compact travel companion and sidekick. He is a social butterfly and was happy to say hello to everyone who approached to give him pets (kids and adults alike). While he was wrapped up in the excitement of the atmosphere, he didn't bark or act unruly even with a parade of other dogs walking by throughout the night. I was very impressed! Rolex is just now vaccinated to safely be out in public, so he still has work to do with being comfortable on a leash, but he is eager to learn. His foster mom said he loves playing with all the dogs in the house and doesn't pay much attention to the cats. He keeps a clean crate and doesn't make a lot of noise. Rolex is ready to make his adopters very happy and is accepting applications!

If you are interested in meeting Rolex, head over to to fill out an application!

Luna was less than enthusiastic about her early morning bath, communicated by well executed side eye. She was a perfect ...

Luna was less than enthusiastic about her early morning bath, communicated by well executed side eye. She was a perfect lady throughout every step of the task. I hope she thinks the hydrating shampoo and the pepperoni rewards were worth it.

Good girl, Luna! I'm really enjoying getting to get to know you. You get better and better with each day as you decompress from the shelter life and come out of your shell. What a treasure you are!

Puppy pen sitting with these brindle beauties is my equivalent to front porch rocking on this gorgeous summer night. (My...

Puppy pen sitting with these brindle beauties is my equivalent to front porch rocking on this gorgeous summer night. (My toes did get nibbled a couple of times 😅).

Things are moving right along with Luna 😃She had her official intake with  yesterday. Today, we scheduled a meet-and-gre...

Things are moving right along with Luna 😃

She had her official intake with yesterday. Today, we scheduled a meet-and-greet for the beginning of next week. How cool would it be if she matched up with her forever family already?! 🤞

I miss so many of my furbabies' birthdays 🙈 Luckily, Fawkes's brother had a mom that is much more on the ball than I am,...

I miss so many of my furbabies' birthdays 🙈 Luckily, Fawkes's brother had a mom that is much more on the ball than I am, and through her and , I get reminders 😅

We love you very much, Fawkesie Boy! Happy birthday 🎂 🥳

This gorgeous face belongs to "Luna"! (I'm not sure if she is officially keeping that name yet, so stay tuned). She is o...

This gorgeous face belongs to "Luna"! (I'm not sure if she is officially keeping that name yet, so stay tuned). She is our other new foster who hitched a ride out of Wakulla, Florida, to join us in Virginia.

Poor Luna has been unlucky in love and failed over and over again by her people. I honestly can't imagine giving up a dog as delightful as her. This is definitely a case of "their loss," and "one man's trash is another man's treasure." I can tell you now that Luna is a gem of a dog that should be cherished for all of her days and beyond.

I don't know what brought Luna to Wakulla Animal Services (a rural county shelter) originally, but she was adopted when she was about 1.5 years old. That family decided to move without her and rehomed her before leaving. In February of this year, she was, unfortunately, passed to someone who didn't want a dog in the house (why even have a dog?!) and didn't understand that even though they had a yard that they contained her in with an underground fence, she wasn't happy. Ultimately, they decided they didn't have time for her and surrendered her back to the shelter. That's at least 3 families that bailed on Luna. She is estimated to be about 4 years old, so she has basically had as many families disappoint her as years she has lived. That's a lot of heartache.

I know that most people would assume that that much instability would create an unbalanced dog. That the trauma of perpetual abandonment would produce a broken pup. Until you get the chance to love a shelter dog, you don't understand what a testament to resilience they are. All they want is to love and be loved. Luna is no exception. I am grateful that
allowed me the opportunity to bring her into the safety of their rescue while we look for the home she deserves. Our goal is to find her love that will last forever.

Luna will be available very shortly for adoption! Please send me a message if you are interested in more information 😊

We just got back from a 1.5 week vacation last night, and now we need help welcoming our newest fosters!These girls are ...

We just got back from a 1.5 week vacation last night, and now we need help welcoming our newest fosters!

These girls are said to be about 10 weeks old and already have quite the life story to tell. Born in a rural county in Florida to a multi-dog home, they, along with many older dogs, were exposed to Parvovirus. These two and their three siblings were passed off to a small animal shelter that has very few resources as an "unwanted litter". Bebop and Rocksteady are the only survivors of their group and needed a safe place to go so that they didn't grow up in the shelter system.

I met this pair when I made an impromptu trip back to the shelter and people that really solidified my passion for Animal Rescue and fostering. It was a 7 hour round trip journey, and I was at the shelter for only about an hour, but that visit brought a dream of mine to fruition. When I moved from the area 7 years ago, I vowed that I would work on finding a way to transfer dogs and cats from Wakulla Animals Services up to rescues in Virginia. The staff there work daily to move animals to safety while the impending doom of space related euthanasia looms. And though I am many states away now, I empathize with them and feel their pain with each loss. I've heard many "no"s over the years, and honestly, when I asked this time, I thought I'd get the same response. But, late that night, while I was packing to start our trip back home the next morning, I decided it couldn't hurt to ask, and I received a "yes" from ! It became a scrambled to line up transportation for a rendezvous point on our trek back north. Luckily, a friend and fellow animal lover jumped in to help (thanks Teri!) and we were set! (My parents were gracious enough to allow them to crash in their air-conditioned shed for us to stop for the night and break up the 19-hour drive home). Today, they are settling in at our house in Virginia, and now we start our search for their forever homes 🫶

Today, we recognized a very special anniversary. It has been 15 years since we decided to foster our first shelter pet!T...

Today, we recognized a very special anniversary. It has been 15 years since we decided to foster our first shelter pet!

Technically, we fostered another dog that we found before this (a that was a long stent because of dear old kennel cough), but Blue was our first pup that we had intentionally brought into our lives as fosters. As you can see, we jumped in with a somewhat "special needs" or "medical" case, but she ended up not really needing all that much special care. Turns out those hives, and all the hair and weight loss were just caused by the extreme stress she was under at the shelter. It was a true testament to how much fostering can change and save lives, and we were hooked (obviously).

We never had the full story of why Blue ended up at the shelter. She was extremely shy (probably why I will always have a soft spot for the shy ones) and we worked hard at bringing her out if her shell. As newly married college "kids" that only had experience living with and Ioving one dog, who our lives revolved around, it was most definitely a trial by error situation. Rescuing/Fostering was a whole different ball game back then, and the day I picked up Blue, I was basically handed the dog and was told to stay in touch. I don't really remember anyone checking in on us much.

After letting her decompress at our apartment for a couple of weeks and seeing the beneficial physical changes, I was happy to report back to the shelter that she was on the mend. After that, the mission was to help her find an adopter, and we started taking her to adoption events. Those days were painful for Blue. She shook and coward. It hurt our hearts to put her through so much stress, and I think we all dreaded Saturdays.

After the first event, we realized that she needed more exposure to people. She was a lot more confident in our apartment, so we started hosting weekly game nights to benefit Blue. Luckily, our friends were happy to oblige, and they provided her the opportunity to meet many people in a low-pressure situation. We asked everyone to ignore her and allow her to approach and interact at her pace.

It didn't hurt that she got to watch our dog, Hershey Pie, soak up all the loving attention. Soon, we started to see Blue shift. Meeting nee people wasn't quite so scary, and I think she started to look forward to game nights. She made friends and even started to enjoy pets, and her smile grew bigger.

Sadly, Saturday mornings were our least favorite days. The whole family would pack Blue up and head to PetCo to attend the weekends event. For those few hours, Blue would revert back to her old self shaking and hiding the entire time. After 2 or 3 events, the shelter staff let us know that if Blue didn't get adopted soon they wanted her to return to the shelter so that she had more than one day a week to be seen by potential adopters. While we understood that point, we fretted about whether that would put Blue right back in the situation that we met her in. There was no question that her health was deteriorating in a kennel run and that she was shut down and fading away.

The next Saturday, I couldn't bring myself to take her. She was visibly upset about having to go, and I couldn't fight back the tears. I felt her stress, and I felt that day was the make or break moment for her. She needed to hook an adopter, or she was headed back to what felt like her prison.

With tears welling, my eyes met Chris's, and I think that we knew at that moment the decision was already made. Blue has already found her home. We notified the shelter that Blue wouldn't be attending the event that day or any in the future. She was being adopted!

Blue was not only our first shelter rescue, but she was our first "foster fail." 💙 She lived 10 more years with us. She nannied many foster puppies after we adopted her. They were her favorite. There were many ups and downs, and we learned a lot while loving Blue Dog. She shaped us to be able to help as many pups as we have, and we happily honor her memory with each rescue.

Thanks for paving the way for so many fosters, Blue Dog!

We hope everyone is having a great Fourth of July 🇺🇸This year, our little unit is together spending quality time surroun...

We hope everyone is having a great Fourth of July 🇺🇸
This year, our little unit is together spending quality time surrounded by some fantastic dogs and cats! I hope that everyone is spending the holiday doing things they love, whatever it may be.

Our day started off with a bang 🎆 here! Ramie, one of our very special Pittie pups, found her forever family 🎉

We have been waiting patiently for the right application to come in that would give the chance of a lifetime to a puppy that is a little different. (I need to make a separate post explaining Lana, Ramie, and Noe's unique condition) As soon as I read over Nichole and Joshua's application, I felt deep in my gut that they have the hearts to love Ramie completely. They were looking for a female Pitbull (mix) who would enjoy being a playmate for their Red Heeler named Levi. Ramie fit that description, but the more exciting lines in the application that stood out to me were that Nichole is a special needs teacher and that her retirement goal is to start a senior dog rescue to give the old overlooked pups all the love they deserve at the end of their lives. These details speak volumes about the type of people they are. We texted over the next few days. I answered questions the best I could, and we worked at getting our schedules to link up for a meet-and-greet. This morning, I woke up excited to see how the day would unfold for Nichole, Joshua, their family, and Ramie. It did not disappoint!

They met all three pups and enjoyed each of their individual personalities. I got to spend that time getting to know them, their pet loving backgrounds, and the exciting plans they had for their new family member. Ultimately, Ramie's friendly yet laid-back, independent nature won out. Fireworks aren't really my thing, but my heart felt like the grandest show had been ignited when Joshua said, "ok, we will take her!"

I have already received several updates since they left. Ramie has been very suitability renamed Liberty 🗽, and will go by Berty, as a nod to the day she became theirs and 'cause they are history nerds (their words 😅). Berty got a very warm welcome by the dogs and kids, but Miss Kitty is still deciding.

Incoming!This is Muppet and I will be picking him up from  HQ this evening. Muppet will be interested in doing some spee...


This is Muppet and I will be picking him up from HQ this evening. Muppet will be interested in doing some speed dating, so if you are in the market for a Doodle, or something similar, shoot me a message. I'll be collecting more information about him when I get him home and can see him in action. I can't wait to meet this handsome dude!

Can you help a foster momma out?I have been delayed in putting together a donation request post for many reasons. I have...

Can you help a foster momma out?

I have been delayed in putting together a donation request post for many reasons. I have been eyeballs deep in caring for my foster babies, and the bottle babies have left me spent by the time I can look at the screen. This past week has been brutal, with trying to fight off the inevitable. Now, I'm swimming in grief and trying to allow some time to feel and mourn the babies I have lost. And, honestly, I hate asking for donations because I don't want any of you to feel like that is the only reason I want you here. Losing Sonnet and Roni so close together hurts, but I have to keep going because I have six other babies that still need me. The rescue world keeps rolling.

I can put off the plea no longer. My foster shelves have long been bare. I got a very generous donation for pup sitting one of our past fosters, but I spent most of that on puppy formula and kitten food. Ramie, Noe, and Lana are over 3 months old, and as they grow, their appetites do too! My Great Pyrenees bottle babies, Renga and Baritone, are transitioning over to wet food (a very welcomed milestone), but I only have a few cans in the house. These guys are going to be huge. They are going to eat a lot!

If you would like to make a donation off of our Amazon Wishlist or a monetary donation via PayPal or Vemno, we would love the help! These donations help our foster mission continue forward! Links are below:




Thank you!

I don't have words. I just lost Roni. We made it over 2 weeks together, and I tried everything I knew I to keep her here...

I don't have words. I just lost Roni. We made it over 2 weeks together, and I tried everything I knew I to keep her here.

Sorry, sweet girl.

"What do you mean 'You're adopted'?" (No, I promise I didn't foster fail... again.)I think the shock of the foster plan ...

"What do you mean 'You're adopted'?" (No, I promise I didn't foster fail... again.)

I think the shock of the foster plan may have been showing on this little boys face yesterday evening. I never thought to sit down and explain it to him 😅 He is warming up to the idea, but he's going to need a minute.

We got our last picture taken as his new daddy, Coleman, was finishing all the paperwork to make Brownie officially his. I always get a photo with my babies before saying my goodbye. I've got 15+ years of adoption photos, and I treasure them. Usually, the photos I post to celebrate are of the adopter and adoptee, but Brownie wasn't quite ready for that. This one was a new adoption experience for me, but you have to meet each one of them where they are.

See, we didn't realize until last week at their meet-and-greet that Brownie was using his brother as a security blanket. I missed the signs that we had a classic case of Littermate Syndrome going on under our roof. I've read about it many times and even explained to MANY adopters that most rescues and shelters don't adopt out pairs of puppies (even if they aren't related) due to the frequency of this phenomenon. Brownie appeared cool, calm, collected, and confident, but the moment his brother isn't by his side, he turns into a panicky, anxious, worry wort. He barks, avoids, and tries his best to look as intimidating as a 4 month old puppy can. I wouldn't say that his meet-and-greet went the smoothest 😬 Luckily, it wasn't held against him (Though, I'm kicking myself because I knew better. This is going to have to be one of those "live and learn" experiences for me.)

Last night, Brownie was adopted, and he is loved so completely already. Coleman says he has nothing but time and patience to devote to Brownie as he gets acclimated to his new life. They have quite a bit of socialization work cut out for them, but his dad sees the potential and is excited to put in the work. I'm looking forward to hearing updates about the progress that they make!

What a great way to kick off the weekend 🥳

These posts are always hard. I never have the right words to express the sadness I feel, and in "real life" I don't talk...

These posts are always hard. I never have the right words to express the sadness I feel, and in "real life" I don't talk about it much. Life keeps flowing, and it's easier for me to be swept away with it. Having to sit down to tell you guys their stories, to share the lives and the losses, makes me work through some of the emotions that I would otherwise bottle up and put on the shelf to feel another day. You guys become my shoulder to cry on and help me work through it all.

For weeks, I have been trying to wrap my mind around how to share that I had lost one of the Great Pyrenees puppies the night they arrived. Even though I only knew her for a few hours, I felt it, and I knew you would too. What brings us together is that we are all big hearted animal lovers. I knew that it wasn't realistic to expect all 6 of the puppies to make it when they had such a hard start to life, but I so wanted them to. I want them to beat the odds. She was too young and too sick, and nothing we tried was able to stop the course that had already started. I named her Sestina. She was and will be forever loved.

These past 3 weeks, I have gotten to love, care for, and know the other remaining puppies I've had. (Two of the puppies immediately went to a fellow foster upon their arrival). Sonnet was always smaller than the other two, and she and her brother have had rattling breathing since they came to us at 1.5 days old. We knew they probably had aspiration pneumonia, and we started them on antibiotics asap. 2 weeks later, they still hadn't gotten better, so we started them on a different antibiotic. The rattle lessened in Baritone (male) but was still sticking around and kept its grip on Sonnet. Tuesday afternoon, I sensed she needed more supportive care. I alerted the med team and got to work. Unfortunately, yesterday evening, she started to show more serious symptoms. I took her over to the head of the medical teams house and watched and learned for hours while a nebulizer treatments, oxygen, and more fluids were administered. We came up with a plan to keep her moving forward. I drove home at 1:30 am thinking I would see her again this evening.

As I drove home, I said my prayers and grasped at the slivers of hope. Kindling them into willing her to live. If I let go of that, what good would I be to Sonnet? If I didn't believe she could get better, how would I be of any help to her? She seemed much more comfortable before I left. Her breathing was less labored, and we have seen puppies come back from worse. I didn't want to prepare for the alternative.

Ruefully, we discovered that she was beyond what our determination could overcome. Sonnet passed this morning. She was warm, loved, and had a team fighting along side with her. I hate that her life was so short, but it was impactful. Sonnet's life changed mine.

Baritone, who I have, and another of their siblings with another foster, still have a rattle to their breath (Everything else is normal). They will be getting another more potent antibiotic to try to get ahead of whatever this infection is that is causing so many issues with these little ones. We aren't waiting around for other symptoms to show. We couldn't change the course for Sestina and Sonnet, but we can learn from it. We are going to do everything we can to get them healthy!


Fredericksburg, VA





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