Vet visits can be an adventure for sure, I hope this one from a dog's point of view brings a smile!
The V E T!!!
Something must be up today,
Everyone is acting strange,
Mom is talking to everyone in codes,
Spelling out three letter names,
Does she really not know I can spell
Maybe I should remind her again
Every dog in the world knows V E T ,
Means place that sticks you with pins!
I gotta find some place to hide,
Moms going crazy, she's got it bad
Following me all around the backyard,
Putting my poopy in a clear bag!!!!
She has a folder full of papers,
On it is my name,
She has the leash hooked tightly,
I guess I'll go along with her game,
She puts me in the back of her SUV
She floors it, man she can fly,
As I look back in the picture window,
Mr Kitty cat is waving bye bye!
We get to this weird looking building,
I have been through this drill before,
Where all the animals growl at each other,
And someone usually p*es on the floor,
The V E T is kinda busy today,
That looks strange, what the heck?
How in the world did that happen,
That Beagle has a funnel around his neck?
I asked him how did he get this way,
I couldn't believe what he said,
He said they chopped off these things that were making him mean,
And threw them away instead!
Thats it I gotta make a break,
Oh no they just called my name,
What if they chop something off me?
I will never be the same!
They dragged me to the back of this place,
Onto something called a scale,
Mom tells them all about me,
I'm a two year old unaltered male!
Now they want to take my temperature,
You want to put that thing where?
I dont see that happening bud,
As my mom just sits in that chair,
A lot of help she is,
Holding that baggie full of my poo!
If I ever go with you to your V E T,
See if I try to help you!!
Now they are talking in codes together,
Something about D H L P,
I think all that translates into ,
A needle is going in me!!
A lady walks into the room,
With a smile on her face ,
She says baby this wont hurt a bit!
They sure lie a lot in that place!
She grabs the fur behind my neck,
I have been through this before,
I will get even with you smiley lady,
I'm going to p*e right on your floor!
Mom screams oh gosh I am sorry!
I am p*eing and I just cant stop,
Maybe miss smiley lady,
Should trade that needle for a mop,
Mom drags me out to the checkout desk,
They said my sample was fine,
She makes an appointment , pays the fee,
Says I will see you all next time!
I bet they remember me for a long time,
I left that exam room a wreck,
I am glad I got out with nothing being chopped,
And no funnell around my neck!!