Thanks Craig for your help.
This is the last minute or so of a trail here locally at a popular swimming spot, the video was about 20 ish minutes long and kind boring…. We skipped to the good part. The “victim” was sitting down after walking around the area for a few minutes, he had a rather large scent pool right there . But we worked through it. And found our lost man .
Jake on Christmas .. he hopes all have a safe, happy, and Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!!
I do not own the rights to this music.
Jake on Christmas
Jake on Christmas .. he hopes all have a safe, happy, and Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!!
I do not own the rights to this music.
#silverlabrador Frozen Time Photography
This simulates a child that might have wondered off from their home. My friend Scott left his house on foot and walked roughly half mile before I left my house. I showed up to his house scented Jake and put him to work, the wind was blowing probably 10 mph. We did not have any flags or markers this time. It as all Jake he had two different types of terrain and two 90 degree turns.
Scots phone turned off to soon but we continued up the hill and to the left across the leave straight to him.
Jake first real snow… 😀😀😍😍
Frozen Time Photography #silverlabrador #snowfall
Jake eating the broken up ice out of the water bowl this morning 🤣.
Good Morning Everyone, We hope you have a great day 😍
Today mom simulated a person that was “hurt” and her child walked up to the trail. The purpose of this is a lost or injured hiker. We knew she was hurt and had a child with her. Towards the end of the video Jake starts air scenting.
Today we took Jake up to the silver mines, he was looking for lost injuried hiker (Tina ) and her child. (Cameron)
The purpose of this is so Jake has to separate individual scents, that’s also why we practice in areas that always have foot traffic. We are not just looking for human odor but a specific human.
Towards the end of the video you will see Jake’s body language change, he goes from head down to head up this is where he starts air scenting. That lets me know the source is close.
Not bad for a 7 month old pup….
We sped this up so it wasn’t a longer video.
#labrador #sar #k9 #livefind #silverlabrador
How about a Friday funny, maybe we should do this with Jake?