In March I left a full time career of a lifetime to run the farm full time. A dream of a life time. Google picked a bunch of photos from last month and made a video of "The Best of Last Month". While not all of them, there are moments here that remind me how lucky and how grateful I am to be here at this time, in this place, with so many great people and animals. On to the next adventures.
I am so happy we purchased this conveyor last season. I wasnt sure we would use it but it was a step saver on a hot humid day of hay stacking.☀️🌡
Sunny got a door he can see out of like the big horses. Thanks to Aunt Betty and Uncle Al he gets extra scratches without escaping. 🐎❤️
Nothing like a good back scratch when you are all itchy and shedding.
Sunny is so excited that we are finalizing the long reining with Annelie. We have 2 lesson spots left. Auditing will be available Saturday only. Please RSVP by January 31. [email protected] or 607-423-4253. We are looking for ward to this quarterly opportunity.
29 and holding. 30 never looked so good. My sweet blind boy with one of his friends this morning. We still get rides in. We just don't trailer anymore.
We finally got the double blankets off everyone today. At 29 and 26, our golden oldies had a nice roll and romp in the indoor. Makes my heart happy🩷
We got to watch while our fox found some breakfast.
What makes a happy farm Christmas? A full again hay loft. Thanks to Chris, Lin, Mike, Bryan and Tim and everyone who helps stack when it arrives. Drain tile and improved pastures despite the rain,..thanks Chris, Sam and Kevin, RMS and O'Tooles. An arena that gets better every season.....thank you Chris, Lee and Sam. Run ins sheds. Thanks Jassen, Rob and Chris. A good stack of shavings and grain...thanks Lilley's. Fantastic web design ( ....Kathy we could not have done this without you and Carl. Carrots,apples and snuggles for ponies....thanks Auntie Jill. Ponies rhat have everything they need when they need it...thanks Linzi and Sara. Providers that make all the difference... thanks Laura, Ed, Kirk, Siera, Freddie, Lin, Ducka, Sharyn, Janet, Sara, Jim and Bernadette. All of our many in 2 years! Boarders and students that are more like family...thanks for finding us. Last but certainly not least, the tireless efforts of a huge community that pitches in, shows up and cheers the successes and helps plan better when we have failures (First Attempt In Learning). I am sure I missed someone along the way but just know that Lee and I are grateful for all the folks who come to the farm with their energy and enthusiasm. So today with empty manure spreaders, mucked stalls, full tubs and a dragged arena I can truly say, you are all our best Christmas gift!! Merry Christmas and best of the New Year to everyone.🎄🩷🍾
Adjusting the chain lengths allows the turns to be precise. This helps protect and preserve other plants and areas of the trails. It also allows work in much smaller spaces than many of the machines we could fit on these trails.
Adjustments are made to lift the logs between the tires and make them easier to haul. Today's were quite small. We chose this spot to allow safe viewing, so the logs were modest compared to what this team can and often does move. Take a look at the cedar log project on the Tripletree Horse Logging site if you truly want to see the abilities of this team.
Setting two logs together to haul multiple logs at a time. The logs have the limbs removed and are cut to approximate lengths for the desired project. If these were for boards they would be cut a little longer than needed and prepared for the swamill.