Members of rainbow bridge group…
Update: Some of you may have seen a post this morning about a gentleman who had lost his dog due to being attacked by a pittie. The man stated he had stabbed the pit twice but was trying to forgive the dog. The post had only been up for 2 hours before receiving 452 comments. Comments ranging from condolences to telling this man how awful he was. Some commenters even made false remarks about the pitbull breed to even display their ignorance to the public.
Not 1 of the Facebook trolls thought it would be wise to contact the local authorities….except me.
At first I was met with resistance by the sheriff office however about 15 min later a wonderful animal control officer returned my call and flew into action.
ACO made contact with the owner and the pitbull. The pitbull did not have any signs of being stabbed and the owner stated he made the post to receive attention. The issue here is the post stated this happened two weeks ago. So we can’t truly confirm one way or the other.
However what is known is this gentleman clearly needs help. It was noted that he is housing over 40 dogs!! 40 dogs that are unaltered and under the supervision of someone who is currently unstable. Most of the dogs are small dogs.
Rather than be a keyboard warrior behind your computer please encourage yourself to be the change in this cruel world. Take action to actually help the situation. Don’t just sit back and pass judgement on humans or dogs. Sure you can voice your opinion but do you really have the right to? Unless you’re going to do something to make change you really don’t. No effort is used when you simply sit and type.
I understand all shelters and rescues are full but if you can help place any of these small dogs please do so. This is a hoarding situation that needs your help. There has got to be just 40 out of the 452 members that can find a place in their heart and home to help these pups.
Currently waiting on pics to start reaching out for placement.
**shout out to AWO paw patrol for your quick and rapid response to this situation. I pray we can get this situation under control**
Be better and do better fb warriors!