Vom Roten Wald German Shepherds

Vom Roten Wald German Shepherds We are a small kennel in Northern California. Established in 1998. German Shepherd Puppies for sale! Check our website for current litters available.

Tips on Fireworks and dogs from Gun Dog Supply Company:The volume and brightness of fireworks are just too much for most...

Tips on Fireworks and dogs from Gun Dog Supply Company:
The volume and brightness of fireworks are just too much for most dogs. Their ears are about four times more sensitive to sound than ours, so you can imagine how loud and upsetting fireworks are to them.
Before the Fireworks Begin:
• Talk to your neighbors and ask them to give you a call before they set off fireworks
• Walk your dog beforehand because it might be a while before it's safe for them to go back outside
• If possible, bring your dog inside to a closed-off interior room
• Feed your dogs ahead of time; anxious dogs are often too upset to eat
• Fill up their water bowl, as anxious dogs pant more and become thirsty
• Make sure you have a safe and comfortable place for them to be while the fireworks are going on
• Close windows and blinds in order to block the bright lights from startling your dog
(I start diffusing Young Living essential oils ahead. Anyone of the oils in the picture can help. I can send you details on them if you like. Your dog will sense the soothing effects of the oils. They will associate the smell to calmness and when diffusing them during fireworks, they are comfortable and will be calmer. One of my friends here in Fremont, diffuses Peace and Calming and her dogs sleep through the fireworks.)
Should your dog get out and run away this Independence Day, it is vital that they have an ID plate on their collar. That way when they are found, folks can contact you. (I would also suggest getting a microchip if your dog doesn't have one)
During the Fireworks:
• Have a TV, radio, or white-noise maker to drown out the sound of the fireworks
• Distract your dog with their favorite toy or bone
• Reward good, calm behavior
• Comfort and reassure your dog that everything is all right
• Act normal and don't react negatively to the fireworks; dogs can pick up on behavioral cues
• Don't make your dog "face their fears" -- this will only frighten them more
• If you need to go outside, make sure your dog is secure before opening the door
Remember it is harder to fix a gun-shy or noise-sensitive dog than it is to prevent it.


Good to know, just in case.

Lexi is looking for a great home that is going to love her forever. She is house trained and trained in basic obedience....

Lexi is looking for a great home that is going to love her forever. She is house trained and trained in basic obedience. PM for more info!

Bo enjoys his exceptional chiropractic care with Dr. Wong!

Bo enjoys his exceptional chiropractic care with Dr. Wong!


Words of Mike Sweeney, USCA Nationals champion.

I’ve had the privilege to work with dozens of training groups and hundreds of handlers in 2022. Observations of common themes I see.

1. This sport is not about who trains the most but who trains the most clever. IGP isn’t like shooting free throws or going to the gym. Dogs can take weeks/months off of formal training. The important part is that you are training smart when you do. “Reps don’t equal success” or “No training is better than bad training”.

2. This is a 3 phase sport. People freak out about a small pulse on the sleeve or leaking in secondary, yet the dog doesn’t know how to retrieve a dumbbell or track 50 paces.

3. Everyone wants fighting from their dog in protection. But the points are in the guarding, gripping, and outing.

4. Handlers push puppies too much. Not giving them a chance to grow up but instead racing for a BH. When puppies have a bad day, week, or month they are ready to wash them.

5. Handlers aren’t reading the rule book. This is a sport so know the rules, know what you are chasing, know what to do when things go wrong.

6. Not all dogs can make a V performance. Most were born genetically possible and then receive top training. There is nothing wrong with an SG score!

7. Handlers should also watch routines with an emphasis on the handlers. Watch the best handlers (posture, movement, timing) and also watch handlers with less experience (see where they loose points).

8. Train with the purpose of moving forward. I don’t mean rush but I see dogs that spend years on a back tie. Have goals and work with people that help you take the next step. Don’t fall into “paralysis by analysis”.

9. Be honest with your dog and your training. Try and earn the points you are capable of, don’t chase 300.
Training and trial prep are two very different things. People forget to show the dog the trial picture. (Outing the dumbbell, shut downs, long attack..).

10. Remember to enjoy your dog and the sport.


Tim Cutterson is a world class trainer. He has won three National Championships. Follow his page!

Professional dog trainer, specializing in high drive, precision training.
3-time National champion

You are invited to participate in this upcoming event!

You are invited to participate in this upcoming event!

16 week old M-Roxy vom Roten Wald. She is out of Bo and Annie.

16 week old M-Roxy vom Roten Wald. She is out of Bo and Annie.


Puppies find things to play with, like this towel! 6 weeks old now.

This litter is showing amazing front reach already at 5 weeks!

This litter is showing amazing front reach already at 5 weeks!

We have some beautiful puppies from Flair and Bo. They will be ready for their new homes June 17th.  Three males and one...

We have some beautiful puppies from Flair and Bo. They will be ready for their new homes June 17th. Three males and one female.

Need some flea, tick repellent that is safe, check this Essential oil out!  Message me for details.

Need some flea, tick repellent that is safe, check this Essential oil out! Message me for details.

Spray tops can be an oil bottle's BFF!! Makes a super fine mist that can be used topically (no diluting needed). Use with not only citronella, but also kunzea, palo santo, cedarwood (to name a few).
GREAT to keep away those pesky winged things that may invade your (or your pets') space from here on out for a while.
The tops even come in matching colors on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Bottles-Containers-Replacement-Supplies/dp/B07QX8QSDN/ref=sr_1_8?crid=386485R3L234Z&keywords=fine+mist+spray+tops&qid=1683047436&sr=8-8
Also LOVE these tops for use with the Animal Scents blends of MendWell, PuriClean and InfectAway!

I love learning new tricks. I know how to go into a crate and hang out.  I can keep myself busy when out alone. I am alm...

I love learning new tricks. I know how to go into a crate and hang out. I can keep myself busy when out alone. I am almost potty trained. I love being lured to heel, to spin, to sit and down. I love hanging out with people.


Love this puppy! He is so teachable! He would make a great sport dog and family dog. He has excellent food drive. He would love a home that will give him love, companionship and training!


Shared by Denise Remtema

Things your coach wants you to know:

1. This sport is hard. You don't get to bypass the hard…..every good competitor has gone through it. You make progress, then you don't, and then you make progress again. Your coach can coach you through it, but they cannot make it easy.

2. You're going to train dogs you don't want to train. If you're teachable, you will learn from every dog you train. Each dog can teach you if you let them. IF YOU LET THEM. Which leads me to…

3. You MUST be teachable to succeed in this sport. You must be teachable to succeed at anything, but that is another conversation. Being teachable often means going back to basics time and time and time again. If you find basics boring, then your not looking at them as an opportunity to learn. Which brings me to…..

4. This sport is a COMMITMENT. Read that, then read it again. Every sport is a commitment, but in this sport your teammate bites and speaks a different language. Good trainers don't get good by training every once in awhile….they improve because they make training a priority and give themsevles opportunity to practice.

5. EVERY MOMENT SPENT WITH YOUR DOG IS AN OPPORTUNITY. Even the walk ones. Even the hard ones. Every. Single. Time. Remember when you just wished you could spend time with your dog? Find the happiness in just being able to hang with your dog. If you make every session about what your AREN'T doing, you take the fun out of the experience for yourself, your dog, and your coach. Just enjoy the process. Which brings me to...

6. Training should be fun. It is work. and work isn't always fun.....but if you are consistently choosing other activities or find yourself not looking forward to lessons, it's time to take a break. The dogs already know you don't want to be here, and you set yourself up for failure if you are already dreading the lesson before you get here.

7. You'll learn more about dogs from spending time with them than you ever will while training. That's why walks are important, too. If you're skipping walks, you're missing out on the most important parts of owning a dog. You spend far more time just being with your dog than training.

8. Ask questions and communicate. If you're wondering why your coach is having you do an exercise, ask them. Then listen to their answer and refer to #3 above.

9. We are human beings. We make decisions (some of them life and death ones) every day. We balance learning for students with workloads for dogs and carry the bulk of this business on our shoulders. A little courtesy goes a long way.

People who coach dog sports spend the better part of their free time and much of their disposable income trying to improve their own training and caring for the dogs they love. They love this sport and teaching others…..but they all have their limits. Not all good trainers are good coaches, but all good coaches will tell you that the process to get good is not an easy one.

*thank you to whoever wrote this! Not my words, and modified from a horse post but certainly a shared sentiment!

I am looking for my forever home. My mom wants to name me with a letter beginning with "M". What do you think my name sh...

I am looking for my forever home. My mom wants to name me with a letter beginning with "M". What do you think my name should be?


Congratulations Jenni vom Roten Wald and owner Uwe Doose on obtaining BH Title!

Almost 5 weeks old! Such a cute age. 🥰

Almost 5 weeks old! Such a cute age. 🥰

Bo getting ready for training at Big Valley Dog Training among the blossoming almond trees.

Bo getting ready for training at Big Valley Dog Training among the blossoming almond trees.

So true!!  Take note!

So true!! Take note!

Annie/Bo puppies born February 12th, 2023. Three males are available.

Annie/Bo puppies born February 12th, 2023. Three males are available.

Written by Jennifer Sharpe Everyone states know the breed before you purchase or rescue.True.I always think: know yourse...

Written by Jennifer Sharpe

Everyone states know the breed before you purchase or rescue.
I always think: know yourself before you bring a dog home.
Choosing a dog is a huge commitment. You have to change your daily routine, your home configuration accommodating a new member and give up time and energy.

Just like buying a treadmill believing you are going to start exercising is the equivalent to getting a new dog thinking that you are going to start training/exercising. You have to realize that your dog isn’t going to wait around for the right time for its owner to have its needs met. It’s is the owner that has to adopt to the timing of his dog. As we own our dogs we get to know and understand them and fulfill their needs accordingly.
So if you need to be at work by 8am then your dog will need to be pottied, exercised and some training before then.
Tossing food into a bowl and hoping for the best doesn’t work.
So you have to change to help your new pet towards a better future.
Be prepared!;


Jennifer Sharpe, professional dog trainer wrote this and I couldn'tagree more
It it the handler that is undisciplined. Not the dog. It is the handler whom is lacking consistency. Not the dog. It is the handler whom assumes the dog knows and expects 💯recalls in distractions. But the dog doesn’t.

Training begins with the handler and ends with the dog knowing.

If your dog doesn’t do then it is in the handler’s hands (see the connection) to connect, correct and work with the dog so that the dog does.
Every time.
With intensive.
Without wavering.

So train with the correct tools for the job and work with a desired result and expect to have it look and be messy and hard.
Welcome to dog training!

Today is Christmas Eve day. We have a great dog to remember. Faro vom Zeltweg.  March 8, 2009-December 24, 2022.  Here i...

Today is Christmas Eve day. We have a great dog to remember. Faro vom Zeltweg. March 8, 2009-December 24, 2022.

Here is his website. https://farokaren2013.wixsite.com/farovomzeltweg

He was loved by all because he was such a gentleman. I remember only once scolding him after he arrived at my house. I had cooked some bacon and eggs for me and had it sitting on the dining table and as I led him to go outside, he went for my food and then he realized, the food was not for him and he never tried grabbing food off the table again.

What a great dog he was! The past year, I found a perfect retirement home for him. So he lived his last year with so much love and care.


Written by the 2022 USCA National Championship Winner Mike Sweeney.

I’ve had the privilege to work with dozens of training groups and hundreds of handlers in 2022. Observations of common themes I see.

1. This sport is not about who trains the most but who trains the most clever. IGP isn’t like shooting free throws or going to the gym. Dogs can take weeks/months off of formal training. The important part is that you are training smart when you do. “Reps don’t equal success” or “No training is better than bad training”.

2. This is a 3 phase sport. People freak out about a small pulse on the sleeve or leaking in secondary, yet the dog doesn’t know how to retrieve a dumbbell or track 50 paces.

3. Everyone wants fighting from their dog in protection. But the points are in the guarding, gripping, and outing.

4. Handlers push puppies too much. Not giving them a chance to grow up but instead racing for a BH. When puppies have a bad day, week, or month they are ready to wash them.

5. Handlers aren’t reading the rule book. This is a sport so know the rules, know what you are chasing, know what to do when things go wrong.

6. Not all dogs can make a V performance. Most were born genetically possible and then receive top training. There is nothing wrong with an SG score!

7. Handlers should also watch routines with an emphasis on the handlers. Watch the best handlers (posture, movement, timing) and also watch handlers with less experience (see where they loose points).

8. Train with the purpose of moving forward. I don’t mean rush but I see dogs that spend years on a back tie. Have goals and work with people that help you take the next step. Don’t fall into “paralysis by analysis”.

9. Be honest with your dog and your training. Try and earn the points you are capable of, don’t chase 300.
Training and trial prep are two very different things. People forget to show the dog the trial picture. (Outing the dumbbell, shut downs, long attack..).

10. Remember to enjoy your dog and the sport.

I just love this photo! One of our Bo/Annie pups.

I just love this photo! One of our Bo/Annie pups.

Bo von Amun, handled by Al Lopez, placed first in the Universal show. Four days previous, he showed at the TVWDC in Idah...

Bo von Amun, handled by Al Lopez, placed first in the Universal show. Four days previous, he showed at the TVWDC in Idaho and was handled by Brandon Theis.

Lanzo and Lucy. Who wants one of these great puppies? Born August 29th. Health checked, dewormed and first vaccination g...

Lanzo and Lucy. Who wants one of these great puppies? Born August 29th. Health checked, dewormed and first vaccination given. Lanzo is a standard coat and Lucy a long coat.


Fremont, CA


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Our Story

Who would have thought that we would be so involved with the sport of Schutzhund and also involved in showing our top blood-lined German Shepherds from club level to National level! We love it and hope you will want to learn more about the breed and our breeding program.