I attended the USHJA annual meeting in Tucson last week. Then Friday and Saturday, I taught in Scottsdale AZ at Betty Beran’s Smoke Tree Ranch. It was such a fun clinic to teach because all of the riders were wonderful students. They listened, wanted to learn, and put in 100% effort! We worked on how their positions influenced their horses, feeling how the horses move and respond in the flat and lateral work, and getting the correct reaction to their aids.
They became more aware of how a rider's position and body control over fences influences their horses. If you can’t control your own body, how can you control the horse? We worked on two point, counting for rythm, pace, track, eyes, and riding their plan. With various exercises, I got them out of their comfort zones and up to another level of riding! I believed they could achieve it, and then they did! It was an awesome 2 days with these riders and horses!
I taught a great clinic at Laura Gerst’s Windy Hill in Los Altos Hills, CA, last weekend. The facility was wonderful. All of the riders were so open and eager to learn, from the professionals down to the kids! They all showed remarkable improvements throughout the 3 days! I pushed them out of their comfort zones. Through various exercises, I gave them new tools to help correct some weaknesses and give them confidence. Fun to see them all rise to the challenges and get the job done. All of the horses were fabulous to work with too! I look forward to hearing about their results after using some of my training techniques for a little time!
The first day of my Market Street clinic went extremely well! Today, we worked on the basics with flatwork and gymnastics. I was impressed with how well most of them handled the lateral work and transitions. Some on young horses, and some on school masters.
On the flat, most needed a little more consistent connection. Over fences working on a light seat and letting the horses figure out a lot of the gymnastics themselves. And of course, focus, which everyone continued to improve! Things happen much more quickly in an indoor ring!
It really was fun! We changed the course and we will see how they do with tomorrow’s exercises!
#marketstreetclinic2024 #annekursinski
Linda Sheridan and Vinchenzo Z winning yesterday's 1.20m class at Princeton Show Jumping!