Here’s to you and here’s to me…(Ya’ll know the rest)!
Let me start by saying what a GREAT week we had leading up to our 42nd Annual trail . I Thank God for the beautiful weather and all that came out to support us. I thank both my DJ’s for keeping the Ole School Country Party going Cedric Johnson and LA Jones! We started the ride late because of the heat but ended with a beautiful night ride lead by some amazing scouts. Our head scout EJ, who would have thought God would send an amazing child to take Blue’s place. My point woman Amanda and all my scouts Mervyn, Jerica, Erik, PJ, Boobie, Dee (I know I missed some). Hat’s off to ya’ll! To all my award winners
Best Mule pull wagons - WORIC Restoration Riders Equestrian Ministry and 3D Riders -3D Riding Family
Most members - Deep 6
Oldest rider on horseback- Mitch Albert
Oldest club - Diamond L Swtra
Youngest rider - Aria Nobles and Adrian Johnson (Jolanna Nobles)
Farthest travelled club - Get Down and Dirty
Beer Drinking -
Personal Awards coming!
I have to say The week brought back so many memories of how my mother use to do the ride and how we would just hang out and enjoy getting ready for the fun the entire week. My special thanks goes to all those that helped make the weekend a GREAT success. Every Sidekick needs a side kick and I have many of them! Mary, Melanie, Jamarcus, Jay, Jerica, Alexis, PJ, Jessica, Johnnie, and our members Theresa, and Maxine. I Love y’all to pieces! You know what you all you did and I can’t thank y’all enough for all the fun, the long nights and early mornings, the sleep overs and helping me keep our family legacy alive.
All I can say is enjoy the pictures cause this fun wasn’t fake and definitely ain’t lying! (Coming Soon)
Next Event Our Annual Dance Saturday, November 25th. Save the Date!
Ain’t no party like a Sugar Shack Party cause a Sugar Shack Party don’t QUIT! This train gone keep on rolling!