Zippidy doo dah, here comes SusieQ!
#runsusieqrun #outsidefun #adoptdontshop #bustershomegrown
Susie Q is a happy Valentine ♥ today ! A fresh Buster's Homegrown is keeping her busy.
#susieqthehappycat #adoptdontshop
#happyvalentinesday❤️ #bustershomegrown #madeinmaine
Susie Q is telling me that it is nearly 5 o'clock and time for her dinner. Jake is close by as well waiting.....
#timetofeedthecats #adoptdontshop #catshaveaninnerclock
3 legs
2 catnip fish
1 happy cat!
#bustershomegrown #wemakecatshappy #madeinmaine
Snow again today. Susie Q and Jake are not impressed!
#jaketheseniorcat #susieqistiredofsnow #adoptdontshop #bustershomegrown
Jake snuggling tonight after a day with a 3 1/2 year old and a 20 month old here today. He has come along way!
#adoptdontshop #jaketheseniorcat #bustershomegrown
Another happy cat! This 3 leg cat lives with another 3 leg cat plus 2 four legged cats. My cousin realized she had to stop volunteering at the shelter in person, now she makes cat quilts to donate.
#wemakecatshappy #madeinmaine #bustershomegrown
Happy Halloween!
It was a rainy, cold morning in Maine. Jake and Susie Q were bored so I gave them each a Buster's Homegrown as an early Halloween gift.
#bustershomegrown #madeinmaine #newtoy #cattestedcatapproved #adoptdontshop #susieqisasweetie #jaketheseniorcat
Jake has discovered our late cat Buster's catnip! Buster spent hours with that plant and chased off any neighborhood cat that dared come close. The magic continues.
#bustershomegrown #jaketheseniorcat #catniphigh
I delivered Buster's Homegrown for each cat but somehow "Finnegan can't seen to be able to keep his fishie"! Yes, the 2 cats playing each only have 3 legs. My cousin adopted them along with Finnegan and Faye.
#adoptdontshop #halloweencattoys #wemakecatshappy #bustershomegrown #etsyshop
Susie Q and Jake looking for some treats tonight. Jake is getting more relaxed every day.
#adoptdontshop #susieqisasweetie #jaketheseniorcat #adjustingtonewhome #bustershomegrown
Keeping me company in the evening.
#adoptdontshop #jaketheseniorcat #susieqisasweetie #@popememorialhumanesociety
Big fight over a new Buster's Homegrown. Susie Q isn't that interested until Jake gets it all slobbery then she steals it from him!
#bustershomegrown #wemakecatshappy #madeinmaine #jaketheseniorcat #susieqisasweetie
Friendship Harbor, Happy Labor Day weekend. We were just in from an Island picnic with family on this perfect Maine day, time to go check on Susie Q & Jake. No island trip for cats, a golden eagle 🦅 frequented the cove where we were.
#happylabordayweekend #friendshipmaine #Island picnic #bustershomegrown
Susie Q is settling in so well. I did have to shut her out of the bedroom at 2:30 AM, she thought it was play time. The full moon may have contributed but she kept attacking feet!
#SusieQ #sweetkitty #nighttimeplaytime
A bit of Friendship Maine from today. My husband dropped me off on this Island while he hauled his lobster traps.
Catnip silly!
Buster tested out his Homegrown cat toy and he loved it!
#wemakecatshappy #bustershomegrown #madeinmaine #helovesit