My Skeezewad always said, “Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.” (Well she actually said “Invitation is the greatest form of flattering.”) but you have to read between the pronunciations with her.
Shoppy Halloween!
Deats and deals in the vid along with a bunch of useless info. Peep it, peep us. ✌️ 💙 🪿 And Thank you to all who put this on for small businesses in town! Y’all are amazing! #bluegoosefriendswood #FriendswoodTX #shophop 5th Annual Downtown Friendswood Shop Hop
Also purchased, not pictured is a huge chunk of useless metal. You can find this at the shop with a price tag titled “super cool set of lockers- don’t know the combo”. Yes it was in the description. No, I don’t read those. #bluegoosefriendswood
Jinks Jones has the perfect gift for any situation. Including the last one 🤔
Tons of new stuff out today and I’m putting stuff out all day as I get it priced!!
When we say “Small, family owned business” we mean it with every ounce of our body. My granny shops for the store on her spare time. If you’re lucky you’ll catch her. My Granddaddy and Grannyann have brought me family heirlooms to pass on to new families to cherish. My 3 kiddos will be in and out of the shop..rarely helping, sometimes breaking, always complaining, but loved through and through. My mom was born and raised here by my grandparents, two of the greatest people in all the world. I have a supportive father who instilled a love for things with soul and character to fill my home. And My husband, (the only friendswood transplant in the family) is working in our kitchen to hand burn some hats for the Grand Opening this Saturday. We aren’t here to get rich…An old friend once said “we are bottom of ‘the wood’ pile” and I am proud of that. I love this town for all the good that I know it is, and all the better that I know it could become. Stop by to check us out! Quick if you need, talk if you can. Look around, buy nothing, buy big, (we deliver 😉) reminisce, tell me it’s junk… it’s all ok 😌
I love all of it. Cause this is home! To us, and to The Blue Goose. 💙 🪿