Excuse me ....hello!?!?! #flyinghighspaniels #fyp #fypage #foryoupage #welshspringerspaniel #dexter
Ever wonder what it is like being on a photoshoot with J.Klein Photos?
Well take a peak at this video put together by her of part of our sessions!
And then make sure you visit her page and give her a follow.
Thankful for the breeders, bloodlines and our hard work at making these awesome dogs not even care about. loud construction noises. It takes a village with purposefully bred dogs to make this happen! #fyp #fypage #foryoupage #flyinghighspaniels #welshspringerspaniel #dexter #boykinspaniel #karn #jasper
Dexter doing Dexter things 😁 #flyinghighspaniels #foryoupage #fypage #fyp #dexter #welshspringerspaniel #dogtraining
Teaching Jasper to close cabinets. #fyp #foryoupage #fypage #boykinspaniel #flyinghighspaniels #jasper #brambleberryshighpriest #dogtraining
Freight train in a little package! #flyinghighspaniels #fyp #foryoupage #fypage #puremichigan #getitdone #boykinspaniel #karn #bnjwhatinkarnation #waterfowlhunter
These spaniels may be founded and from SC but they Looooovvveee the snow #muskegonmichigan #westmichigan #winterishere #fypage #fyp #foryoupage #puremichigan #boykinspaniel #brambleberryshighpriest #jasper #karn #bnjwhatinkarnation
Karn loves going for therapy dog visits #therapydog #allianceoftherapydogs #mentalhealth #hewling #itiswellwothmysoul #boykin #caninemassage #bestboy
Sneak peak....
one of the other vendors got a quick clip of me working Jasper at the pet expo a month ago. #foryoupage #fyp #fypage #puremichigan #jasper #boykinspaniel #brambleberryshighpriest
I love how excited the Boykins get when you ask them if they want to go do something. It doesn't matter what it is! #foryoupage #fyp #fypage #boykinspaniel #boykinspaniel #flyinghighspaniels #puremichigan #karn #bnjwhatinkarnation
I absolutely believe this is the sound in Jasper's brain when I ask him if he wants to go do chores. #foryoupage #fyp #fypage #boykinspaniel #jasper #flyinghighspaniels #brambleberryshighpriest #akc #ukc
Very happy with how Jasper handled the chaotic morning at the pet expo. I only am holding him to remind him he was being good and just to be safe that he didn't jump on my table. Stable temperament is so vital and I can confidently say that is a main focus if both his breeder and us as his sire owner in our breeding goals. #totalbodyanimalhealing #jasper #boykin #boykinspaniel #goodboy #purposefulbreddogs #akc #ukc #bss #brambleberryboykins #flyinghighspaniels