Hello all. Well we have tested positive for the bacteria causing rat bite fever, therefore we have halted breeding and will be closing the rattery for the foreseeable future. I will be taking a break and allowing more experienced breeders and the labs they are working with time to get this all figured out and then find tested and negative babies to start back up with when I'm ready. All of this along with everything else going on in the world at the moment has really taken a toll on me mentally so a break is severely needed. If you have gotten a baby from me (or even if you've gotten your babies somewhere else as it seems to be more prevalent in the fancy than was previously thought) I strongly suggest researching rat bite fever so you know exactly the risks and symptoms to watch for in yourself or other members of the household and test your rats if possible and/or you have people in the higher risk category in your home. I am adding some info sheets and I'm happy to answer any questions anyone might have. Hope to see all of you when we get back!