Black Creek Stables

Black Creek Stables Our pursuit is to teach safe, sound and honest horsemanship. Using proven horsehandling technigues.


The enormousgiganticterrifyingandinallrespectsuncertain gamble of horse breeding was driven home to me some years ago when I was out riding on fire lane 3 in the Walthour-Moss Foundation in Southern Pines, NC, and I met a man riding a plain looking bay horse.

We both stopped to chat, and he told me that the young gelding that he was sitting on had failed to make it as a race horse, somewhat (understatement of the month) “disappointing” considering how he was bred.

So naturally I asked, “How IS he bred?”

“He’s by Storm Cat,” he answered. “Just another half a million dollars down the drain.”

That’s right---Storm Cat’s stud fee at the time the horse in question had been conceived was a cool $500,000.

High end race horse breeding is neither for the faint of heart nor for those who can’t tolerate risk of financial loss on a major scale.

(Photo---Storm Cat)

With Team Wallace – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉

With Team Wallace – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉

Cute starting.

Cute starting.

Ready to enter at A for the very first time? From what type of competition might be right for you, demystifying membership requirements, how to enter, & where to get help, we’ve got you covered in this exclusive:

Photo by AK Dragoo Photography


Did you know:
*In the states that I commonly teach in (AL, GA, FL panhandle), there are 936,000 horses
* there are only 3465 Large Animal Vets in the ENTIRE UNITED STATES.
*By 2030 we will need 40,000 equine veterinarians and 133,000 techs to meet the current demands
*We will need 5,300 equine veterinarians added every year to just stay even
*5 out of 100 students will become equine veterinarians
*50% of them will be out of the profession within 5 years

These numbers are not put down here to frighten you. They are here to inspire you to be prepared in the event that you need to be your horse's first responder and handle the unthinkable until emergency medical intervention.

If you are interested in hosting in these three areas, please call or message me anytime. If you can't host, remember we have classes scattered all over Georgia. Tomorrow I will post all of the classes and their registration links.


Full Board Isn't Full Service

A friend asked me to write this a while ago..and I have been thinking on it for several months. So here is a go.

Full board Isn't full board. The average boarding farm with anywhere from 5 to 40 boarders is so much work. Just the daily grind of getting up, feeding, haying, checking water takes up a significant amount of time. Stalls, another massive chunk, then repeat pm feed.

Then you want the boarding farm to do blankets ( something I refuse to do. I worked for a QH trainer in the 90s and spent hrs every morning and night reblanketing all the horses under lights ...cured me ) , meds, you want night check. You want their weight and physical appearance monitored through their blankets.

Now all the extras : tackroom swept, aisle perfect, walls hosed down, no rodents, cobwebs , working washrack with drain that never clogs...

Then perfectly manacured fields , mowed, fertilized, weedwacking. Fences repairs etc....

Board or bored...when your horse is in the stall more for inclement weather , you need to get there to exercise it and prevent colic ( motion is lotion for guts and joints ! ). Full board doesnt cover checking every single inch of the horse ( though most of us do take a quick look, i have trained myself to look at all 4 legs both side every day ) for bumps, bruises, shoes with sprung heels , mysterious fungus that appears on its flank. Owners need to be present, take responsibility for their own horse, make coming out to groom that retired horse on a schedule....and always always be accessible for emergencies.

When you see something needs done, just do it instead of complaining about it. We have all seen the posts about the costs of boarding and basically, if you are paying less than $1000/ month, someone is subsidizing your board. So pick up a rake, a broom, be present. Run a hose, scrub the tub. Triple check your horse. Check on the horse whose owner is ill ( with their permission ) . Leave things better than they were.
Many barns have a person or 2 that randomly helps with some stalls....I guarantee you the barn owner appreciates that person. I used to have a students father who would clean many stalls while his daughter rode. I know I'll never forget him.

Holidays....most barns have 1 of 2 ways of thinking. 1. Don't come out at all. 2. If you do come out, plan to help with feeding, haying, watering turnout and stalls. I can speak from personal experience...I havent had a holiday off since pre 2001 except for 1 Christmas, an exceptional student did all the work as my gift. I'll never forget that act of kindness. Nurses get double time for major holidays ( and still get to take off a day for Christmas , heck even the local convenience store pays double or time and half on major holidays) , barn owners get nothing, most of the time not even a thank you... I recall a colleague who boarded horses ( and of course taught lessons, trained horses, sold horses and ran shows because boarding doesnt pay the bills ) saying one day she realized her life was like the movie Ground Hog Day....and that she has done the same thing every morning every night for decades. Her farm went up for sale and she now boards her own horses.

Education. Do you know what horses diseases are, understand deworming, know what ailments to watch out for. When should the vet be called ? Can you wrap legs properly, handle an abscess, recognize fungus, spot a colic ? If not, pick up a book, watch some videos. Horse ownership means you love horses and you want to know everything about them.

Anyway...full care isn't day care you drop your "kid " off too and never pick them up from again. Be present. Your horse will appreciate the attention and the barn owner will feel relief that you are watching out for your horse.

3/27/23 update. 212,000 views. 1400 shares. And I have gotten a few nasty comments. I cannot understand the nastiness . Bringing awareness is a good thing. If it doesnt apply to you , then move on. Every barn has boundaries. Apparently some people are mad that I wont do blankets...not sure why, as none of them board with me ! Boundaries are made out of clarity and self respect. Every barn , I hope , has rules and boundaries ! Best wishes to all . Horses are my first and longest love.

( This post was made to bring awareness. At least in my area, boarding barns are becoming fewer to non existent. If we want them to stay, we must change . I have seen mostly positivity come from this...i particularly loved the person who shared it and wrote " I go a bit the other way . I try to help in some way every day that I am at the barn "
I , of course, want all the horses in my care to have good, healthy lives too. I would like to think we all do. )


Temple Grandin to Give Keynote Address at the 2023 USEA Annual Meeting & Convention


Our first Alabama show of the year is open for entries!! We are so excited to back at FullCircle Horse Park for another USEF/USDF rated show! Please remember that stalls are limited! So if you are needing a stall, make sure to enter early! 💕

Enter online by following the link to our website:

Huge thanks to our sponsors for making this show possible:
Triple Crown Feed
Mane Street Market
Pagan Gilman - Lisa Seger Insurance
Golden Horse Browbands


An excerpt from "Dressage for the Not-So-Perfect Horse" by 5* Dressage Judge Janet Foy.


"You soften the neck by giving the outside rein, not by pulling."

Tyler and Ivan are soaking in the wisdom and direction of Charles de Kunffy to kick off the weekend.

If you are free, come join us at Mane Gait Equestrian Center in Natural Bridge, VA! Plenty of space for auditors.


Lessons in Listening with Kim Walnes, The Gray Goose, and Gideon Goodheart


84 Lewis Road
Gadsden, AL

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm


(256) 546-1952


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