The challenge of timing your aids, while posting! 🤔🧐🤨
Most often we are going to be timing our leg with the horse’s inside hind. In a posting trot on the correct diagonal, that means you’ll be applying the leg AS you stand, because that is in time with the swing phase of the inside hind. 
You have a couple choices to make. You can…
1.) learn to use your inside leg while you are in the standing phase of your posting trot. This is what I do, and I think it’s easy now, but initially learning it is not so easy! But the nice thing is your seat is allowing room for the horse at the same time you are asking them to step under.
2.) change diagonals. There are some systems that teach riders to simply swap diagonals and it’s a great idea, but I’ve seen some absolute great pros get really confused about which diagonal they are on once they start using this method. It’s also not quite as ideal, because as you are asking the horse to step under, you are coming down into the sit phase. 
3.) Don’t worry about it and just time with the “wrong” leg. I mean really, if you ask the outside hind to reach across as opposed to asking the inside hind to reach under, it’s all kind of the same thing. Yes, we technically want to encourage adduction (stepping under) more than we want to encourage abduction (reaching out), but there are plenty of riders out there who don’t ever anticipate being so effective, and advanced that they are going to cause the horse to reach too big in the lateral movements to the point of throwing the horse off balance. And the truth is, in the beginning I just teach people to time their aids with the horse’s tempo, and I don’t actually care which leg they are timing with. Not everyone aspires to do a halfpass zigzag, and for most training level stuff, if you are using your aids in any kind of rhythm whatsoever, you are ahead of most of the class!