#guarddogstatus #dogsofinstagram #doglover #k9protection
Puppy learning to heal in our IKT program.
Have issues with your pet? Bring them to Wolfgang, where we believe no training is better than bad training, and here at Wolfgang, we only give the BEST training.
Call the expert at 323-423-8087.
#dogexpert #protectiondog #doglikeaweapon #puppyobedience #doginaction #dogfyp #fyp #dogfacility #gardena #viral #dogtrainer #puppy #puppytraining #cutepuppy #heal
They are not like Wolfgang.
Wolfgang is doing what he does best. Protection training.
Want your dog to be like this? Call the expert at 323-423-8087.
#ladogs #gardena #dogfacility #fyp #dogfyp #doginaction #puppyobedience #workingdog #doglikeaweapon #protectiondog #dogexpert
Take a look at this!
Lety working one on one on basic obedience. Having a dog who knows how to heal on command gives you more control of your dog in high crowded or distraction areas. Plus it makes it easier to navigate your dog in smaller places.
Call Wolfgang for training programs offered at 323-423-8087.
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#wolfgangexpert #dogboarding #k9training #wolfgang #dogtraining #trainers #dogfyp #fyp #dogfacility #dogtrending #la #ladogs #obediencetraining #puppytraining
Basic Obedience Group Class...
Intro to advance protection
Held every Saturday and Sunday
Enroll now!
$550.00 10 sessions
#dogtraining #explorepage #wolfgang #puppytraining #dogs #puppytraining #wolfgangtraining #doglikeaweapon #dogboarding #wolfgangexpert #expertdogtrainer #lacounty
Wolfgang working on building up strive.
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Wolfgang working on dog bite building strive up for advance protection.
Want your dog to be like this? Come to Wolfgang. Wolfgang specializes in protection, but offer obedience programs as well. Call us for more information at 323-432-8087
#dogtraining #explorepage #wolfgang #puppytraining #wolfgangtraining #dogs #dogboarding #doglikeaweapon #doglikeaweapon #wolfgangexpert #puppies #obedience #obedientdog #lacountydog #dogtrainingcenter #dogexplorer #fyp #dogschool #protectiondog
Wolfgang Friends,
Our In-Kennel training program will be 5% off until Nov 25th.
Do not miss out on this special and sign up now.
Call us at 323-432-8087 🐾
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#wolfgang #dogtraining #dogexpert #dogs #doglikeaweapon #dogobediece #inkenneltraining #explorepage #puppytraining #dogboarding #puppies #k9dog #cooldogs #protectiondog
Protection training session.
Want your dog to be like this? Call Wolfgang at 323-423-8087 to ask for information on how to get protection classes.
Keep you and your family safe.
#wolfgangtraining #dogfacility #dogcenter #dogtraining #dogtrainingcenter #doginaction #Protectiondog #doglikeaweapon #dogbites #advancedogprotection #dogboarding #dogs #k9dogs #obedientdog #obediencetraining #explorepage #dogexplorepage #dogshavingfun #dogexercise #dogcompetitions #dogparents #dogfamily #lacounty #gardena