We’ve had snakes, mice, spiders and rabbits in our pool on occasion but this was a first! What a fun surprise! 😍🦆
I bought a squirrel proof feeder. There is no such thing as a squirrel proof feeder. “My” squirrels have figured out that if they go on this carnival ride, sunflower seeds will shoot out and they can then eat them off the ground. 🐿 🙄😄
From the March 2018 archives....I had been taking care of the pregnant mom goat but was assured she wasn’t due to deliver until her folks got back. BUT I arrived one morning to find that these little ones had bounced into the world! What a great surprise for me (and the owners)! 🐐 + 🐐 🐐
Ok is it just me or is watching goats eat kind of fun? The crunching noise......🐐🐐🐐
Foster Friday! They’re in motion! But mom Sephora still has the upper hand. Make sure you turn up the volume so you can hear her talking to the babies. 😍
This is Jedi! He's got the first part down good but he hasn't quite mastered the return part. 🙂