Know what you’re buying. This picture has store beef(left), and farm beef(right). There is an obvious visible difference between the two! But the differences don’t stop there!
1. You may notice in the picture the color difference. The store bought is pumped full of additives and water. There isn’t a guarantee of where that beef came from either. Yes, it may have USDA label on it but as long as that animal was packaged in the US, it can be called a Product of the USA. The meat in the package is not from one single cow, rather scraps from multiple cows. It could have came from Argentina, Canada, or Brazil.
2. The beef on the right is darker and is farm raised beef. It is filled with more nutrients & flavor. The ground is also from one cow and not just scraps from multiple cows.
3. Buying your beef from a local Farmer/Rancher you are helping to buy a little girl dance shoes or a little boy baseball gear. Buying from the store just lines the pockets of the already wealthy meat packers. Let’s help each other. We help you eat healthy, you help us provide for our families.
Buy from a local ranch/farm!