Miniature pigs, what are they?
The definition of a miniature (mini) pig is any adult pig [5+ years or older] weighing less than 300-350 pounds. Miniature pig is not a breed of pigs. It is a classification. That classification encompasses multiple breeds. Some that are common place and others that are so rare they're nearly extinct!
Breeds that could potentially be included in the umbrella term "mini pig" are: Potbelly/Viatnamese Potbellied Pig, Göttingen Mini, KuneKune, American Guinea Hog, Yucatan/Yucatan Micro, Ossabaw, American Mini Pig, Meishan, Mulefoot Hog, & Juliana.
Without the option of genetic testing to determine exactly what the makeup of a pig truly is, it is hard for anyone to claim to know exactly what their pig is. As of right now, there is only a parentage test with a few breeds on file out of the 100+ recognized and claimed breed/breed types of swine.
Similar to our mutts now, most mini pigs are a Heinz 57 mixture of the above listed breeds. Two of the few breeds that tracks parentage and can trace back years prior is the KuneKune & Meishan. Most other breeds have been bred so spontaneously that there are few purebred of anything out there remaining.
Due to that, many people now use weight as a way to compare a pigs size. Unfortunately, a bulldog sized pig can weigh 130-200lbs but still be smaller in size than a large dog.
Since pigs are such dense creatures, it's nearly impossible to offer full-grown weight. Especially when pigs aren't fully mature until they're nearly 5 years old. The best estimate anyone can give you is measurement in inches of parents and grandparents. Length from tip of nose to tail head. Height from hooves to shoulder.