A message directly from IAPEG president, Bullet Brown
"If you haven't seen the current trend there is a link FULL of groomers tormenting dogs with dryers below, but you might not want to look. The trend involves using a blaster on dogs to get a reaction that matches the beat of Eminem's song "Just Lose It".
You groomers do NOT represent the professionals in our industry and are exactly why pet owners need transparency. You're not funny. You're not cute. You're a disgrace to our profession and a danger to pets everywhere,
What you are doing is called 'torture' or if you prefer 'groomer induced trauma'. You would rather laugh and make a tik tok video for your followers than work with a dog who obviously needs help or refer them to a groomer who can.
This industry is changing. I know because we are making it happen. Pet owners will demand that these tortuous sessions come to an end and we'll be there to back them."