Meet Valkyrie (2 years old), a sweet 2-year-old pup who needs a special kind of TLC right now. 💔 She’s recovering from a fractured left tibia (back left leg) and needs a calm, loving environment to heal properly.
Care Details:
Pain medication twice daily (she takes it well in food!)
Limited activity: no running, jumping, or roughhousing.
Walks should be no longer than 5 minutes for the next 6 weeks.
Valkyrie is a gentle soul who deserves comfort and care while he recovers. The shelter isn’t the right place for his healing journey, and we know there’s someone out there with the heart to give him a quiet space to rest and recover.
🏠 What Can You Do?
Open your home to one (or more!) of these sweet pups.
Even a short-term foster commitment will help tremendously.
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If you can help, please contact us asap! ❤️