Leslie Dull-Runkle Pet Psychic
Leslie is an animal communicator and an energy healer. Leslie has worked with animals in her personal and professional life for many years. She thought everyone could hear them. Animal Communication
Leslie is a gifted animal communicator; she has been listening to her intuitive voice since she was a child. Her animal communication skills give her the ability to int
erpret what the animals are saying. These will allow you and your animal companion to understand each other on another level. A reading with Leslie can answer many questions that you may have about your animal companion. Clairaudience allows Leslie to hear the messages that your animal companion has for you. Clairvoyance allows Leslie to see your animal companions Aura, the layers of the Aura tell a story about your animal’s health and wellbeing. Leslie helps you understand your pet better by communicating intuitively with him/her and sharing the information that she receives with you. She can ask your pet what s/he wants you to know about his/her health and happiness and what s/he likes or doesn't like. Intuitive readings can help improve behavioral problems, emotional difficulties, and help identify health concerns. What is your animal companion here to teach you? Like all sentient beings, animals respond to love and the lack of love. All animals are sensitive to their human companion’s feelings, state of health and well-being. Our pets are here to help us to learn unconditional love, others may be here to teach us patience and compassion. Some are here to teach us to heal the broken parts of ourselves. Animal Energy Healing
Leslie is a Usui Reiki Master, she will connect with your animal companion’s energy body to promote healing of the physical body. All illness begins in the astral plane before it manifests in the physical body. Leslie will do a chakra assessment of your pet, from this assessment Leslie will know which energy centers to work with. This will then allow your pet to be healed on all levels physical, mental, emotional and etheric. As with all sentient beings your pet may not respond to energy healing. Every sentient being has a time to be born and a time to return to spirit. If your pet does not respond to the treatments, we will work with the companions to make the transition as smooth as possible. When your pet is ready to leave the Earth plain, Leslie can be with them to help them make the transition from the physical to non-physical. Your pet is completing its life journey and will return to Soul for the next level of Soul growth. Please bring a photo or photos of your pet for Leslie to see and connect with your pet. What can an intuitive pet reading with Leslie tell you? What is your pet thinking? Is your pet happy? Are there any health concerns for your pet? How to correct behavioral problems. What is the root of the behavioral issues? You may receive messages from your pet that has Birthed into Spirit.