Gilbert Az AKC Yorkies

Gilbert Az AKC Yorkies AKC REGISTERED Yorkie

Both puppies are sold❤️Hi, Nellie and her 2 baby girls born November 16 are going great. Message me if you want more inf...

Both puppies are sold❤️

Hi, Nellie and her 2 baby girls born November 16 are going great. Message me if you want more information.

Well Nellie had her puppies today November 16, 24.  she had 2 Girls

Well Nellie had her puppies today November 16, 24. she had 2 Girls

I have puppies coming around November 15 mom is 6 pds and dad is 3 pds, I will post when they are born

I have puppies coming around November 15 mom is 6 pds and dad is 3 pds, I will post when they are born


We will have another litter coming around November 15, I will post when they are born.

He has been sold

He has been sold

Still have these two boys

Still have these two boys

We have two male puppies available (Red collar and blue collar) message me if you're interested.

We have two male puppies available (Red collar and blue collar) message me if you're interested.


Here are the puppies again, message me if you're interested

The parents of the  male puppies born June 30th, mom is a AKC Parti Yorkie and Dad is a ACK traditional Yorkie

The parents of the male puppies born June 30th, mom is a AKC Parti Yorkie and Dad is a ACK traditional Yorkie


We got our Baby Gio From Terri and let me tell you she is the real deal!!! Very trustworthy in what she says as well as all the information to make sure we were educated on the purchase we were making. 100%. Legit Thank you Terri for our baby Milo who is now 3


The puppies, we have 3 boys available, red collar, green collar and blue collar, message me if interested. They have had their first set of shots and they have their AKC microchip. They are ready to go to their forever homes ❤️

Update on the puppies, the boys were born June 30th, they have had their first set of shots and they have their AKC micr...

Update on the puppies, the boys were born June 30th, they have had their first set of shots and they have their AKC microchip. They are ready to go their forever homes ❤️message me if you're interested 😊


The puppies first day outside

Puppy update😊 they are six weeks old, taking them on Friday the 16th to get their first set of shots and their AKC micro...

Puppy update😊 they are six weeks old, taking them on Friday the 16th to get their first set of shots and their AKC microchip. We have these 3 boys left to choose from, Blue, Red and Green. Message me if you're interested 😄

Puppy update😊 they are six weeks old, taking them on Friday the 16th to get their first set of shots and their AKC micro...

Puppy update😊 they are six weeks old, taking them on Friday the 16th to get their first set of shots and their AKC microchip. We have 3 boys left to choose from, Blue, Red and Green. Message me if you're interested 😄

Sorry I haven't posted earlier, I was out of state. Here are our male puppies born June 30th, they have their eyes open❤...

Sorry I haven't posted earlier, I was out of state. Here are our male puppies born June 30th, they have their eyes open❤️ message me if your interested 😊

I put collars on the puppies to get their weight ( in ounces.) They are Brown collar - 2.7 ozWhite collar - 4.65 ozBlue ...

I put collars on the puppies to get their weight ( in ounces.) They are
Brown collar - 2.7 oz
White collar - 4.65 oz
Blue collar - 3.9 oz
Red collar - 5.65 oz
Green collar - 4.20 oz


764 S Colonial Street
Gilbert, AZ


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