❤💖Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks to Sandra B and Kelli N for being Saint's Valentine today and taking great care of him. wildhorse.org
Update on Baby Bruiser whose mom did not make it during his birth. He spent 3 weeks in the hospital, and he gained a wonderful adoptive Mom, Epona. She lost her baby during birth. This Mom and Baby love each other so much! 💖They were finally able to leave the hospital and go to our facility in San Tan Valley, AZ. Our Veterinary bill is $12,000. Please help with any donation you can. We really need your help. https://linktr.ee/wildhorseranchrescue
Ivy Lucia is the winner of the Jackie Cooper Hollywood Table! Congratulations Ivy!
🌹Rosie is a horse we took in because her owner, Maureen, was handling some medical issues. Maureen loves Rosie so much and you can see that Rosie loves her back. We are thankful that we can take care of Rosie so that Maureen can visit her. Rosie is at our San Tan Valley, AZ location called Wildhorse at Pixie's Playground.
Baby Ivy's Coat Arrived Today! Thank you! She will be warm and comfy tonight. #wildhorse
We had a fun Parelli Play Date! Part of it included Miss Pauleena on a ride with her favorite human, Ann.
Many of you know Justified, our wild stallion. He puts up with this little punk, Axl Rose! wildhorse.org
Update on Baby Bruiser. The bad news. He's running a temp of 104. The good news. He's not acting sick and he's in the best hands at Arizona Equine with their incredible doctors and staff! He has a catheter in his neck and that is how he receives the meds he needs to keep him healthy. Bruiser and Epona got to spend some time in an outdoor stall today. At night, they get put back into the enclosed barn. We can tell that Bruiser had a blast, while his new Mom, Epona, was just trying to keep track of him. She loves him so much and is very protective. We are beyond grateful to Dr. Robinson and the entire team at Arizona Equine. We could not do this work without them!
Update on Bruiser, the orphaned foal we took in. His Mom did not survive while giving birth to him. Marlene Kritzler and Tam Beatty picked him up in Marlene's SUV and took him directly to Arizona Equine. Dr. Robinson had Epona lined up for him. Epona lost her newborn baby just a few days ago. We never know how these pairings will go, but...well, the video tells the story.
Today was Farrier/Vet Day at Wildhorse Headquarters. We do this every 6 weeks. What does a typical Farrier/Vet day cost to take care of the herd's feet and any veterinary needs? Well, today's visit total was $4,485. Today, Justified was not feeling very well. His best girl, Kelley, gave him some oral meds and lots of comfort and love. Shortly after this video, he was feeling much better. We have such an excellent team! We love our horses. wildhorse.org
A Firework Shift is what our volunteers do on certain holidays. They give up time with their families and friends to watch over our rescued animals during the terrorizing activity that sounds like we are in a war zone. This lasts for days and hours before, during, and after certain holidays in our area. It's incredibly stressful and we are so thankful to have such an incredible team!
Thank you to Hollise for taking such great care of Saint Sir Gray Dog on NYE amid the bombs and fireworks. He was shaking, wouldn't eat, and was trying to hide. She was able to calm him down during the 8 hour tour of terrifying noises. People started at 5:30 pm and went til 2:30 am. It was a long night for the animals and volunteer team at Wildhorse.