First off my beard is way too long.... Luna get Dooooog! this guy is very intellectual savy! Don't freak out over the commentary guys/gals just messing around. I that was a he for most of time. Well done crew well done!#dogsofinstagram #instagood #charliebartraining #fun #beautiful #perro #beautiful #border #mix #he #him #genius #smart #dontcancel #dog #love #dogs #doggy
Loki during handover. The owner was so happy with his progress as was I. Good boy Loki! This lil guy was a sharp lil pup! #impressive #training #happy #perro #beautiful #perros #dogs #fun #obedience #dogtraining #doggy #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #instagood #charliebartraining #charliebartraining #puppy #goodboy #love #difficult
Anyone can do this only difference is leadership and control from beginning and end of vid. Dog Handling is a skill let me teach you! #happy #fun #training #perro #dogs #beautiful #doggy #perros #dogsofinstagram #impressive #dogtraining #reels #germanshepherd #gsd #obedience #leash
Boston was extremely reactive to dogs, bikes ,and even people walking by at times. This is his first session complete change (at cosmo dog park)! Not trying to brag but what makes my sessions different is it doesn't take me 6 or 8 sessions. On average it takes me 1 maybe 2 poooosssiibly 3 sessions for very difficult cases or people that just need more understanding. This guy went to dog park and did incredible with the right structure and control these dogs don't have to act like this let me show you how to change your life. It's all possible! Pause to see owner excerpt about her experience. Thank you for taking the videos! #charliebartraining #doggy #training #dogs #dogtraining #dog #fun #perros #instagood #impressive #beautiful #rescue #perro #dogsofinstagram #happy
Blue hand over from owners perspective! Bring em all on down! 2weeks for blue! Insight on handover. #perros #dogs #dogtraining #dog #doggy #charliebartraining #instadog #training #fun #impressive #instagood
Example of public training with Jax issue is reactivity and complying. We are working on it! #dogs #perros #charliebartraining #dogtraining #dog #reactive #labs #labsofinstagram #puppy #doggy
Kane showing off his obedience skills. He is adoptable through @love.them.all.rescue he's a badass. #training #dogs #charliebartraining #fun #instagood #dogtraining #love #dog #impressive #instadog #goodboy #perro #perros #beautiful #rescue
Too damn cute to not share. Owen the flirt pole king. #dog #charliebartraining #perro #happy #dogs #training #instagood #fun #perros #instadog #impressive #doggy #reels #dogsofinstagram #beautiful #dogtraining #love #goodboy #puppy
Mystic and I relationship has been rekindled on our date we had! #wolfdog #dogtraining #difficult #instadog #doggy #dog #germanshepherd #instagood #training #impressive #happy #beautiful #perros #dogsofinstagram #dogs #perro #reels #fun #charliebartraining
Mystic has forgotten who I am in her panick. Where there's a will there is a way. Oh you are willing to bite me no matter I'll make myself invincible. #instadog #dogsofinstagram #instagood #perro #love #reels #dogtraining #beautiful #doggy #training #firstday #happy #dogs #perros #charliebartraining #difficult #rescue #impressive #fun #dog #knowledge #new #favorite #obedience #video #bigdog
And to think he wanted to bite me on day one... #goodboy #dogsofinstagram #public #dogs #perro #pitbull #instagood #difficult #pit #perros #instadog #happy #love #doggy #dogtraining #charliebartraining #training #reels #firstday #beautiful #obedience
Working with Kane from love them all rescue. Working in being a good citizen out here!#love #instadog #instagood #difficult #happy #rescue #training #goodboy #doggy #charliebartraining #pit #public #dogtraining #dogs #impressive #perro #pitbull #perros #dogsofinstagram #fun
Lil update for Thompson look how much more we'll adjusted he is! He's 180 from where he was when I met him good job team we did it! #dogs #dog #perro #love #dogtraining #charliebartraining #training #happy #difficult #impressive #goodboy #public #instagood #rescue #instadog #doggy #pit #pitbull
Thompson may have never had a collar or leash on successfully (with out flipping out) 3 days ago. I explain what I mean in video just excited to share this as he's in public for first time. #pit #charliebartraining #goodboy #love #dogs #fun #dogtraining #dog #difficult #dogsofinstagram #doggy #impressive #happy #training #perro #rescue #instagood #instadog #new #public #beautiful
Harrison my favorite blind buddy in public. I'll tell you blind is much harder than deaf but we are working on it! #blind #love #dog #dogs #charliebartraining #dogtraining #difficult #fun #goodboy #love #favorite
Rocky wants to search, protect, and most of all play! Check him out!
This dog is deaf you will notice the thumbs up are good spirit fingers are break! Good boy rooster. #dog #heeler #protection #doggy #dogsofinstagram #red #love #fun #goodboy #impressive #bitework #dogtraining #deaf
Little protection training today with this good boy! #dog #gsd #protection #doggy #dogsofinstagram #germanshepherd #love #fun #goodboy #impressive #bitework
how to train a deaf dog, and the body language we use for the tools of communication!
today is Roosters first day of training, he’s a quick learner😌
If you have a dog that hates getting its nails done and is food motivated (or Even if isn't still possible). this is the path of least resistance! #dog #perro #rescue #happy #training #scratch #board #capturing #grooming #outsmart #dogtraining